At the beginning of the letter there is a line of amazing adjectives "Lekavod my soul friend the famous rabbi the Gaon, charif uboki, tzadik venisgav Moreinu Moshe Yitchak Halevi Segal Shlita R”m of Manchaester

"I bless with this you esteemed Gaon , and all the holy groups associated with him, that they may celebrate the festival of Matzot with joy and in a manner fitting and proper, and be blessed in all aspects. May the Lord raise His countenance upon him and upon the holy congregation, exalting them higher and higher, and grant them success to spread Torah and illuminate their land, as befits his pure soul."

….What is news regarding the rabbinate in their community. May God help that the esteemed Gaon, may he live long, from Dublin, will be accepted. Who are the candidates for this"

Most of the letter is filled with Divrei Torah thoughts. At the end he sends regards to his son Rabbi Yehuda & R. Yosef.

2 Sides. Kleck, 1935. Fully in his Holy hand & signature.

The president of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah and leader of the generation the great Gaon Rabbi Aharon Kotler (1892-1962) one of the greatest Gedolei Yiaroel in the recent generation. From a young age was renowned as an Iluy and diligent student. In his youth, he studied Torah with the Gaon Rabbi Zalman Sender Kahana Shapiro. Rabbi Reuven Grozovsky (Chatana Dvei Nessi’ah of the Gaon Rabbi Baruch Ber Leibowitz) who knew him, urged him to study at the Knesses Yosroel Yeshiva in Slabodka. There Rabbi Aharon became close to his rabbis the Rashei Yeshivas who greatly respected him. At the age of 22 Rabbi Aharon Married the daughter of the Gaon Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer. Immediately after the wedding, he started teaching in his yeshiva in Slutzk and several years later, became its Rosh Yeshiva. In 1921, the yeshiva was forced to move to Poland to due persecutions by the communist government and settled in Kleck .

The recipient the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Yitzchak HaLevi Segal (1881-1947), a disciple of the Alter of Novardok. A founder of the Etz Chaim yeshiva in London, he also established the Manchester yeshiva, which he headed for some 35 years.

Rabbi Moshe Yitzchak was an outstanding Torah scholar and an exalted Tzaddik. He devoted himself to disseminating Torah, and many of the rabbis of that time were his disciples (including Rabbi Shaul Wagschal of Gateshead, Rabbi Shmuel Alexander Unsdorfer, and others). Hegyonei Moharsha (p. 18) brings the wondrous testimony of two of his disciples, whose deceased father appeared to R. Moshe Yitzchak in a dream, requesting that he carefully supervise his orphaned sons. R. Moshe Yitzchak related the dream to them and asked them not to publicize it.

His son and successor as dean of the yeshiva was Rabbi Yehuda Ze’ev Segal (1911-1993), a holy Tzaddik and wonder-worker, who was very active in raising the awareness of the importance of guarding one’s speech, and was known as the Chafetz Chaim of England).

Official stationery of Rabbi Aharon Kotler Rosh Hayeshiva Demetivta Etz Chaim DeSlutzk which moved to Kleck. 27.8 Cm. Filing holes.

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Lot #198

Long letter with Divrei Torah by the Gaon Rabbi Aharon Kotler R''y Kleck to the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Yitzchak Segal R''y Manchester. 1935.

Start price: $800

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