Collection of three postcards with blessings for a speedy recovery & Divrei Torah by the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Kliers Ab”d Tiberius, to the Gaon Rabbi Abish Eisen of Jerusalem.

Tiberius, 1925-1927.

The Holy Gaon Rabbi Moshe Kliers (1876-1934) one of the Geonim and Tzaddikim of the generation, the Chief Rabbi of Tiberius since 1909. Established the great ‘Or Torah’ yeshiva which had legions of Talmidei Chachamim, Marbitzei Torah and Hora’ah. He was renowned as one of the leaders of the generation who worked for Agudas Yisroel.

He firmly acted against the National Council and the constant attempts of the Zionist circles to gain control over the Jews of Eretz Yisroel. Known for his holy conduct [he would stay in the Yeshiva from Sunday until Thursday and return to his home within the walls of Tiberias only at the end of the week], among the sons of the leaders of the Slonim Chassidut.

Sent to the Yerushalmi gaon Rabbi Abish HaLevi Eisen. He was a huge talmid chacham and polymath; a disciple of the Ridba"z – he also dealt with printing his teacher’s writings. At the age of only 13, he was already expert in half of Sha"s!!

He passed away in 1935. For more about him, refer to the Encyclopedia L’Chachmei Galicia, Volume I, pp 95-97.

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Lot #189

Collection of 3 letters with blessings & Divrei Torah by the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Kliers Ab''d Tiberius, to the Gaon Rabbi Abish Eisen of Jerusalem. 1925-1927.

Start price: $300

Sales Tax: On the lot's price and buyer's premium

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