Rare and important Chassidic collection. Four of the Seforim by the sacred Admo"r Rebbi Tzvi Elimelech Shapira of Dinov, author of Bnei Yissaschar. All first editions. Three volumes.

1. Sefer V’Heyeh Brachah – Premishlan, 1875. First edition.

Novallae on mishnayot Berachot and Tosefta (Berachot), left behind with blessing in its wake by … Rebbi Tzvi Elimelech Shapira … av beit din of Dinov … published by his grandson … Rabbi Meir Meshulam Shapira of Lantzhut, son of Rabbi Shmuel, the author’s son.

With an approbation of Rabbi Chaim Halberstam of Sanz, Rabbi Yosef Shaul Nathanson and Rabbi Yitzchak Shmelkish.

[3], 37 leaves, 27.8 cm. Stefansky, Chassidut 190.

Overall Good condition. title page has tape page repairs and edge page tears, some pages have corner page tears, later binding has damaged corners.

2. Sefer Maggid Ta’alumah Premishlan, 1876. First edition.

Novellae by the Gaon Rebbi Tzvi Elimelech Shapira on Tractate Berachot. With approbations from Rabbi Chaim Halberstam and Rabbi Yosef Shaul HaLevi Nathansohn.

The last leaves bear a list of subscribers including hundreds of names, among them famous tzaddikim, Admo"rim and rabbis.

[2] 114 leaves, 27.8 cm. Stefansky, Chassidut 331.

Stamps: Shlomo Fishman, Lodz.

3. Sefer Peirush HaR"a MiGermaiza al Sefer Yetzirah im Hagahot Mahartz"a – first edition.

Peirush HaR"a MiGermaiza al Sefer Yetzirah – copied from Rebbi Tzvi Elimelech Shapira of Dinov’s manuscript, with glosses that he wrote, entitled Hagahot Mahartz"a, and with Derech Edutecha and other additions by Rebbi Tzvi Elimelech Shapira, printed here for the first time by his grandson.

Premishlan, 1883. Large Kabbalistic drawings. Including the leaf with Tirgumei Dessabi on Megillat Ruth which is not found in all copies. [In this copy, it is bound between Derech Edutecha and Iggera D’Kallah].

[2], 22, 17 [1] 8, leaves. There are copies with subscriber leaves added. 31.2 cm.

Overall Fair condition, some stains, worming affecting text, title page and first few pages have small top and corner page tears, later binding.

4. Sefer Hagahot Mahartz"a. Premishlan, 1899. First edition.

Glosses on the Zohar. Copied from the body of the manuscript by Tzvi Elimelech Shapira … av beit din of the Dinov community …

With approbations by the author’s grandsons, who brought it to print.

[2] 44 leaves, 21 cm.

Stamp: Chevra Kinyan Sefarim Kloiz Sanz Yoshon, Oshpitzin.

Stamps: Chevra Kinyan Sefarim, new Bobov synagoue, Oshpitzin.


Overall Good condition. some stains, title page and last page have corner and margin page repairs not affecting text, fist two page have corners cut off not affecting text, some pages have small edge page tears, later binding.

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Lot #139

Collection of Seforim by the Holy Admo"r, the Author of Bnei Yissachar. First Editions. Copy of the Bobov synagogue in Oshpitzin.

Start price: $300

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