Sefer Toldot Yitzchak, Chassidic essays on the Torah portions, the festivals and on Tehillim, by Rebbe Yitzchak Shapiro of Neshchiz (Niesuchojeże).

Warsaw: Nathan Schriftgiesser, 1868. First edition. Two title pages. Author’s name printed in bold gold lettering on first title page.

With approbations of leading Chassidic rebbes, the Divrei Chaim of Sanz, the Maggid of Trisk, Rebbe Yehoshua of Ostrova and Rebbe Elimelech of Grodzisk. Rebbe Elimelech of Grodzisk writes in his approbation of the segulah in possessing this book: "It is fitting for every Jewish person to bring this book into his home so as to procure enduring blessing".

On the second title page, near the name of the printer Rabbi  Nathan Schriftgiesser it was written: "אשר הדפיס בשנת תרכ"ד ששת אלפים ספרי תהלים בהוצאת מרן זצוקלה"ה כדי לזכות את הרבים".

According to the sefer Zikaron Tov, when Rabbi Yitzchak Neshchizer wrote his Divrei Torah on Sefer Tehillim, he used to hold the Sefer Tehillim printed by this press in Warsaw. 

Stefansky Chassidut, no. 607.

[4], 32, 30, 22,32, leaves. Large Margins: 27 cm.

Overall Great condition, some stains, original leather binding damaged

The author, the Holy Rebbe Yitzchak of Neshchiz (1789-1868), was the youngest son of Rebbe Mordechai of Neshchiz and close disciple of Rebbe Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. Throughout his lifetime, Rebbe Yitzchak of Neshchiz rarely lectured in public. However, in the last year of his life, he delivered lectures on the Torah and on Tehillim almost daily, which were recorded and published in the present sefer.

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Lot #136

Toldot Yitzchak (Neshchiz) – Warsaw 1868 – Segulah Sefer "For Enduring Blessing". First Edition. Wide Margins.

Start price: $500

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