Sefer Magen David authored by the Admor Rebbi David Twersky of Tolna, son of Rebbi Mordechai of Chernobyl.

Zhitomir: R. Chanina Lipa, R. Aryeh Leib and R. Yehoshua Heshel Shapira, grandsons of the Rabbi of Slavita, 1852. First edition.

Unlike many Chassidic compilations, this sefer was brought to print by the author himself, published so that those who could not travel and hear his Torah in person would be able learn the sefer and become inspired in their service of G-d.

Two title pages: one is short and the other is detailed, it has the name of the sefer and print location printed in red ink.

This sefer of Chassidut is considered to be a Segulah because, in the third edition, which was also printed in the author’s lifetime, there is a special blessing written by the author to the publisher in which he writes: And I say that any wise man who buys this sefer and studies it, I hope that it will be a medicine for his body and soul in spirituality and physicality in this world and the next and that he will have temporary and eternal successes.

[2], 3-120 leaves. Without final leaf of errata (not bound in all copies).

21.4 cm.

Stefansky, Chassidus 334.

Most of the volume is in Good condition, tiny light wormholes to first 4 pages, water stains, pages 79-104 have been struck by a sharp object causing inner tears with some loss to text, later binding.

The Holy Rebbe David Twersky of Tolna (1808-1882) began serving as rebbe after the passing of his father Rebbe Mordechai of Chernobyl, in 1837. He was one of the foremost leaders of Ukrainian Jewry, and a rebbe to thousands of Chassidim. His court in Vasilkov (Vasylkiv), and later in Tolna (Talne), was one of the largest and most prominent in his times. Reputedly, many were aroused to repentance from hearing his teachings, including numerous maskilim. R. David was the sixth of the eight illustrious sons of R. Mordechai of Chernobyl. The latter stated: "I and my sons descended to this world to repair the souls of the deceased and the living" (R. Yeshaya Wolf Tzikernik, Sipurim Nifla\'im UMaamarim Yekarim, Lviv 1908, p. 6).

Rebbe Aharon of Belz would speak of the brothers\' exceptional holiness in effusive terms, and stated in the name of his father Rebbe Yissachar Dov: "We cannot conceive the magnitude of their stature", and once, when R. Aharon of Belz mentioned them, his hands shook, and he exclaimed: "They were truly angels… entirely angels…" (Beito Naava Kodesh, Nisan, p. 123).

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Lot #121

Magen David- Rebbi David Twersky of Tolna, First Edition, Zhitomir 1852. Segulah Sefer.

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