מכתב תודה וברכה להאשה חוה גארעל ששלחה מאתיים פעזאס.

יידיש, במכונת כתיבה על בלאנק רשמי, ועם חתימת יד קדשו.

24 ס"מ.

ראה גם לוט 81.

Rebbe Shlomo Halberstam of Bobov (1908-2000) was a scion of the glorious Sanz dynasty, a son of Rebbi Ben Tzion the author of the Kedushat Tzion, son of Rebbi Shlomo of Bobov, grandson of Rebbi Chaim of Sanz. In his youth, he received semichah from Galician Torah leaders and, in 1931, he was appointed rabbi of Bobov. He miraculously survived the Holocaust and rejuvenated the Bobov chassidut. He was wise and clever, a leader with an impressive persona and his Torah was published in the Kerem Shlomo series.

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פריט #220

מכתב קדום מהרה"ק ר' שלמה הלברשטאם מבאבוב. תשט"ז.

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