סוף מכתב, שורה ברכות מיוחדות בכת"י הגבאי, וחתימות יד קדשו של הרה"ק רבי ישראל פרלוב – האדמו"ר "הינוקא" , "ישראל בהרב מהר"ר אשר זצ"ל".

 "ומתוך רוב עושר ונחת והרחבה כיד ה' הטובה"

14 ס"מ אורך.

ראה גם לוט 201.

The Holy Rebbe Yisrael Perlow of Karlin-Stolin, known as "the Yenuka" (1868-1921), was orphaned from his father Rebbe Asher of Stolin in his childhood, and was appointed rebbe at the young age of four and a half (!). He was the son-in-law of Rebbe David Twersky of Zlatopoli. He passed away at the age of 53, and was buried in Frankfurt, and has since been known amongst Karlin Chassidim as "the Frankfurter".

\'A Neshama like this comes into the world once in 500 years\' Said his Holy Father Rebbe Asher of Stolin, \'\'This child will surpass us both\'\' Said his Holy grandfather the Bais Ahron of Karlin to his father.

He left behind six sons – Rebbe Moshe of Stolin, Rebbe Avraham Elimelech of Karlin, Rebbe Yochanan of Lutsk, Rebbe Yaakov of Detroit, R. Aharon of Warsaw and R. Asher of Stolin – and four daughters. All of his descendants perished in the Holocaust, except for his sons Rebbe Yaakov Chaim Perlow, who passed away in the United States in 1946 and was buried in Detroit, and Rebbe Yochanan Perlow of Lutsk and the United States (1900-1955) – grandfather of the current rebbe of Karlin-Stolin and of his brother, the rebbe of Lutsk.

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"מתוך רוב עושר ונחת והרחבה כיד ה' הטובה" ברכות וחתימת הרה"ק רבי ישראל פערלאוו ה'ינוקא' מסטאלין.

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