ספר נחלת שמעון, מאמרי מוסר וחסידות על פרשיות התורה, מאת הרה"ק רבי שמעון דייטש אשכנזי אב"ד דובראמיל, תלמיד רבי אלימלך מליז'נסק.

[לאשצוב, ללא שם מדפיס, תקע"ה]. מהדורה ראשונה.

מהדורה ראשונה זו יצאה לאור ע"י תלמיד המחבר רבי שמואל מפרעמיסלא. במהדורה זו לא נדפסו דברי תורה על פרשת בראשית. בסוף ספר שמות (דף כ/2 מהספירה הראשונה), מופיע קטע מאת המו"ל, בו הוא משער כי רבו המחבר ז"ל לא רצה להעמיק ולהאריך בענייני "עשרה דורות מאדם ועד נח", מטעמים עמוקים על פי סתרי הקבלה – "על כן גם המחבר לא העריך בם ערך דבר קדשו, וכמוס עמדו בלי לפרשם" (יש לציין שבמהדורה השניה של הספר, פולנאה תקפ"א, נדפסו במקום זאת ליקוטים על פרשיות אלה, מספרי חסידות אחרים. הוספות אלו נדפסו במהדורה השניה, ואילו המהדורות הבאות אחריה נדפסו על פי המהדורה הראשונה, ואין בהן את ההוספות הנ"ל).

[4], כ; לח דף
. 17.7 ס"מ.

סטפנסקי חסידות, מס' 390.

Overall Good condition, title page repaired with loss of several words on reverse,   some stains, a few pages have lower margin tears, some pages have marginal restorations, later new light brown leather binding.

The author Rebbe Shimon Deutsch Ashkenazi Rabbi of Dobromyl (d. Cheshvan 1801), was a great and holy Torah scholar, a foremost disciple of Rebbe Elimelech of Lizhensk. Held in high esteem by Chassidic leaders, his Torah thoughts are quoted reverently in the writings of great Chassidic masters such as the Bnei Yissaschar, Melo HaRo\'im, Rebbe Alexander of Komarno, Rebbe Moshe of Kozhnitz, and others.

He exchanged halachic correspondence with leading rabbis of his times, leaving behind many compositions in manuscript form, on Talmud, halachah and responsa. After his passing, a fire destroyed all his writings. This work was written by his disciples who recorded the sermons he delivered every Shabbat. The author did not leave behind any descendants. The book was named Nachalat Shimon by the publisher, since "this is his portion from all his toil, as he did not leave behind any offspring, rather alone he came and alone he left, and this will be his legacy" (publisher\'s foreword). The Yeshuot Yaakov wrote in his approbation to the sefer: "When I resided in Jarosław, he was in close proximity to me, and several times he presented before me his insight on a ruling, and all his words are taken as verified". The author quotes in this book ideas from his prominent teacher, R. Elimelech of Lizhensk: "and so it says in the sefer of my teacher the holy R. Elimelech" (Parashat Vaera).

Rebbe Shimon Ashkenazi\'s gravesite in Dobromyl was until the Holocaust a focal point for prayer, attracting the multitudes. Since he did not merit to have offspring, the synagogue of his community adopted the custom of reciting Aleinu LeShabe\'ach following the Shabbat morning prayer, before the Torah reading, with a special Kaddish in his memory (Or Yekarot by R. Shalom Chaim Porush, IV, p. 379). The Beit Avraham, Rebbe of Slonim, would relate (based on an oral tradition) the way the Nachalat Shimon would describe the exalted atmosphere of the Shabbat day in the home of R. Elimelech of Lizhensk. He reported that the Shabbat holiness was so palpable in the house of his teacher, that every Friday, the kitchen maids would ask forgiveness from one another, similar to the prevailing practice in all Jewish places on Yom Kippur eve, "so that the grievances they bore against each other would not preclude their experiencing the holiness of the Shabbat". R. Shimon of Dobromyl recounted that when he witnessed this, R. Elazar, son of R. Elimelech, declared: "See how far-reaching the light of the holy Shabbat of my father is… even the maids can perceive this light" (Beit Avraham, Slonim, pp. 67, 259).

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פריט #134

נחלת שמעון (תלמיד רבי אלימלך מליז'נסק) – לאשצוב תקע"ה – מהדורה ראשונה.

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