כת"י גדול משיעורי הגאונים רבי חיים רבינווויץ מטלז-רבי חיים טעלזער והגאון רבי יהודא ליב בלוך ראשי ישיבת טלז.

טלז, שנות התר"פ.

שיעורים על מסכת נדרים, כתובות, גיטין, ב"מ, ב"ב.

נכתבו ע"י התלמיד קופיל וטקינד?

344 עמודים כתובים. 31.2 ס"מ.

Overall Good condition, some stains, some pages have marginal tears affecting text, new later binding.

Please see Hebrew description for biographical details of the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Rabinowitz- Reb Chaim Telzer.

The famous Gaon Rabbi Yosef Yehuda Leib Bloch (1859-1929), a student of Volozhin and Kelm, a foremost leader of the musar movement and one of its noblest members. He married the daughter of the Gaon  Rabbi Eliezer Gordon of

Telz and was appointed lecturer and mashgiach in his yeshiva.

After the first musar polemic, he left the yeshiva and went to serve as rabbi in Vorne (Varniai) and Shadova (Šeduva). With his father-in-law\'s passing in 1910, he returned to Telz and succeeded him as rabbi and yeshiva dean. Under his resolute and wise leadership, the yeshiva flourished with intensive study in accordance with the method he instituted, which is the forerunner of the Telz approach to study and musar. This system is perpetuated until this day, by his sons, grandsons and followers, in Telz yeshivot in Lithuania and the United States. His teachings were published in the Seforim Shiurei Halacha and Shiurei Daat.

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פריט #102

כת"י שיעורים על הש"ס מראשי ישיבת טלז – שנות התר"פ.

מחיר פתיחה: $500

מע"מ: על מלוא המחיר והעמלה

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