'Online' Sale 2
Lot #368
Yerushat Pleita - Responsa of Hungarian Torah Scholars that were Murdered in the Holocaust - Budapest, 1946
Yerushat Pleita - Responsa of Hungarian Torah Scholars that were Murdered in the Holocaust - Budapest, 1946
An interesting sefer of responses to halachic questions that arose before the Holocaust. The rabbanim who responded were killed not long after composing these responses.
Estimated price
Lot #369
Five Books of the Torah – Gift of Vaad HaHatzalah – Munich, 1947 – Colored Title Page
Five Books of the Torah – Gift of Vaad HaHatzalah – Munich, 1947 – Colored Title Page
Chamisha Chumshei Torah and Chamesh Megilot, with the commentary of Rash"i and Onkelus. Preceding the title page, a letter of gratitude to the American Nation and President Truman was printed by the rabbis of Va'ad HaHatzalah, on the backdrop of an illustration of the USA flag, in English and on the following leaf, in Hebrew. Colorful lithographic title page.
Estimated price
Lot #372
"Introduction to Rabbinic Law" by Carl Anton a disciple of Rabbi
Jonathan Eybeschutz– Braunschweig 1756 – Engravings.
"Introduction to Rabbinic Law" by Carl Anton a disciple of Rabbi
Jonathan Eybeschutz– Braunschweig 1756 – Engravings. Einleitung in die Rabbinischen Rechte, Nachricht von einem höchst raren alten rabbinischen Buche [Introduction to rabbinic law…], by Carl Anton.
Estimated price
Lot #373
Regulations of the Jewish Community of Modena – Florence, 1755.
Regulations of the Jewish Community of Modena – Florence, 1755.
Nuove regole imposte dall’universit`a degl’Ebrei di Modana concernenti alla somministrazione degli annuali pagamenti dovuti da’loro singoli &. L’Anno 1755. li 29. Giugno, corrispondente all’Anno 5515. della Creazione, e 20. del Mese di Tamuz. [“New tax regulations of the Jewish community of Modena concerning the annual payment due.”]
Estimated price
Lot #375
The new bylaws & regulations of the Chessed V’Emet society of the Firenze community. 1801.
The new bylaws & regulations of the Chessed V’Emet society of the Firenze community. 1801.
Nuovi regolamenti e costituzioni della Compagnia di חסד ואמת della nazione ebrea di Firenze. [The new bylaws & regulations of the Chessed V’Emet society of the Firenze community].
Estimated price
Lot #376
Moda LeBnei Bina, Hebrew & German children's alphabet textbook, Leipzig 1823.
Moda LeBnei Bina, Hebrew & German children's alphabet textbook, Leipzig 1823.
מודע לבני בינה oder Kinderfreund und Lehrer: ein Lehr- und Lesebuch für die Jugend jüdischer Nation und für jeden Liebhaber der hebräischen Sprache. Von Moses Philippssohn, Lehrer an der jüdischen Haupt- und Freischule zu Dessau. Erster Theil
Estimated price
Lot #377
Igrot Tzafon by Rabbi Shimshon Refael Hirsch – Altona, 1836 – First Edition.
Igrot Tzafon by Rabbi Shimshon Refael Hirsch – Altona, 1836 – First Edition.
„Neunzehn Briefe über Judenthum“, Nineteen Letters on Judaism, in German, the first book written by the fighter on behalf of Orthodox Judaism and Germany Jewry, Rabbi Shimshon Refael Hirsch (the Rashar Hirsch).
Estimated price
Lot #378
Aufruf an alle Israeliten Deutschlands betreffs der Erbauung einer allgemeinen Synagoge zu Leipzig, 1837.
Aufruf an alle Israeliten Deutschlands betreffs der Erbauung einer allgemeinen Synagoge zu Leipzig, 1837.
[Call to all German Jews to build a new Synagogue in Leipzig].
Estimated price
Lot #387
Ish Hahalacha Vehama'asseh on Rabbi Eliezer Silver the President of the Union of Rabbis of the USA and Canada - Jerusalem 1947. Rare.
Ish Hahalacha Vehama'asseh on Rabbi Eliezer Silver the President of the Union of Rabbis of the USA and Canada - Jerusalem 1947. Rare.
With his picture, his genealogy, photocopies of three letters by Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinsly and more. Throughout the book, dozens of special and rare pictures. Extremely rare book. Apparently, a limited edition for the author's friends, "לאות הוקרה במלאת ארבעים שנה לעבודתו הצבורית באמריקה" (in recognition of forty years of public work in America).
Estimated price
Lot #389
Colorful Illustrated Manuscript Leaf - Signed by Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Wolf Chayut of Varpalota - Disciple of the Chatam Sofer. 1817.
Colorful Illustrated Manuscript Leaf - Signed by Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Wolf Chayut of Varpalota - Disciple of the Chatam Sofer. 1817.
Colored illustrated manuscript leaf, dedication to the volunteer of the Chevra Kaddisha Gomlei Chassadim in Varpalota, signed by the rabbi of the city, Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Wolf Chayut.
Estimated price
Please note: We ship worldwide with Fedex. The minimum price to Israel for a letter is $55 & $75 for a sefer. To Europe the minimum for a letter is $45 & $60 for a sefer. In the USA the minimum for a letter is…