Sefer Harav Hame’iri, Beis habchirah on tractate Megilah. First edition of the famed commentary by Rabbi Menachem ben Rabbi Shlomo Hame’iri, who was one of the Rishonim.

Amsterdam, 1769. At the press of Leib Sussmans.

Signature on the title page of the researcher Kalman Lieben of Prague.

This edition was published from a manuscript that "Was archived for several years" by Rabbi Chaim Cohen who escaped from Belgrad (Serbia) "Due to the oppressors … the cruel enemies" and came to Amsterdam to raise funds for Pidyon Shvuyim, to save the members of his family who remained there. When he failed to raise the required funds, he published this Sefer – the profits from its sale intended to redeem the publisher’s relatives.

The publisher Rabbi Haim Avraham HaCohen of Belgrade was captured with his family members by robbers and released alone while his children and wife were left chained in order to bring their ransom in Amsterdam as the rabbi recounts in the heart wrenching introduction to this work

With important approbations by the rabbis of Amsterdam, Hague and Rotterdam and by the Shadarim of Hebron.

[3], 40, [1] leaves. 20 Cm.

Stefansky Classics 61.

Overall Excellent condition. very few stains, bottom margin of first page is cut off not affecting text, original binding has rubbed out corners and edges and damaged top portion of spine.

Kalman Lieben was a member of the board of the Prague Jewish community and the secretary of the Prague Burial Society (Hevra Kaddisha).

In 1856, with Simon Hock, he published "Gal-Ed, " a collection of tombstone inscriptions from the old Prague cemetery. He also published "Die Eroeffnung des zweiten Israelitischen Wolschaner Friedhofes, " a collection of 100 biographies of notable individuals buried in Volsany (Wolschan) cemetery in Prague. This work is an invaluable 19th century source for Prague history.

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Lot #78

Classic Sefer that was printed for Pidyon Shvuyim from robbers. Harav Hame'iri- Beis habchirah, First Edition, Amsterdam 1769.

Start price: $40

Sales Tax: On the lot's price and buyer's premium

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