Sefer Ma’ase Choshev. Elucidation of the Tabernacles and the vessels of the Holy Temple by Rabbi Emanuel Chai Rikki.

Venice. 1716. First edition.

First Sefer printed during the life of the author.

36, [1] leaves. 20.5 Cm. Quality paper. Sketches on a number of leaves.

Signature on title page of Rabbi Moshe Lifschitz (died in 1755), who immigrated to Italy from Chęciny, Poland and taught Torah in Modena.

In his Seforim, the Chida quotes Rabbi Lifschitz. For example, in his  Ma’agal Tov, the Chida writes that Rabbi Yishmael HaCohen of Modena showed him various manuscripts including manuscripts of “R’ Moshe Lifschitz of Chęciny”, among which was “a remarkable book on practical kabbalah”.

The author the Holy Kabbalist Rabbi Emmanuel Hai Riki (1688-1743), one of the greatest kabbalists and a disseminator of the school of the Arizal, known mainly for his Sefer Mishnat Chassidim, considered one of the foundational texts in the study of kabbalah. In his youth he studied in Trieste, Italy.

In order to make the story of the Mishkan palpable for his students, he created a model out of cardboard of the Mishkan and its tools. Following this, he wrote this Sefer Ma’aseh Choshev, to expound upon the work of the Mishkan. The author corrected his manuscript many times, so it was called Mahadura Batra. At the start of the Sefer is a commentary by the author on the signs of the Seder Pesach.

Good condition, water stains, original soft binding, spine damaged.

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Lot #44

Ma'ase Choshev. Rabbi Emanuel Chai Rikki's First Work. First Edition, Venice 1716. Sketches - Signature of Rabbi Moshe Lifshitz.

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