Rare & special items! Early Seforim, special copies, Kabbalah, signatures & letters from Torah giants, Chabad, important Judaica & silver.
Lot #26
(ladino) Siddur with Kavvanot HaAr"i. Venice 1775.
(ladino) Siddur with Kavvanot HaAr"i. Venice 1775.
Tefillat Yesharim - siddur per the Sephardic custom, with prayers by the Ar"i z"l and everyday laws, explanations of the foreign words, Chassidic techinot and bakashot, as well as prayers for festivals, fasts and high holidays, with the relevant parshiyot and haftarot. Poems with commentary, azharot Shavuot, Pirkei Avot, Tikkun Chatzot, Hatarat Nedarim and Mesirat Moda'a.
Estimated price
Lot #28
The Last Will and Testament of Rabbi Naftali Katz Author of Semichat Chachamim – Furth 1787 – Second Very Rare Edition.
The Last Will and Testament of Rabbi Naftali Katz Author of Semichat Chachamim – Furth 1787 – Second Very Rare Edition.
Sefer Tzvaha Hagaon Hagadol Hamefursam Moreinu Naftali Hakohen Zt''l.
Estimated price
Lot #29
Divrei Evel: A Very Rare Eulogy on the Noda B'yehuda of Prague by his disciple Rabbi Yehuda Leib Karlburg. Only Edition, Offenbach 1793.
Divrei Evel: A Very Rare Eulogy on the Noda B'yehuda of Prague by his disciple Rabbi Yehuda Leib Karlburg. Only Edition, Offenbach 1793.
Sefer Divrei Evel: On the passing of the Gaon Ner Yisroel Rabbeinu Yechezkel HaLevi Landau Zicro Lbracha...Rabbi & Rosh Mesivta in Prague...By Rabbi Yehuda Leib Karlburg.
Estimated price
Lot #31
First Edition of Bi'ur HaGra. Horodna, 1806 .
First Edition of Bi'ur HaGra. Horodna, 1806 .
Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah, with Be'er HaGolha and Be'ur HaGra.The first edition of Ashlei Ravravei with the elucidation by the Chassid Gaon Rabbeinu Eliyahu of Vilna - HaGra. Published by his sons and his leadign disciple Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Shklow.
Estimated price
Lot #35
Kohelet David – Catalog of Rabbi David Oppenheim's Book Collection – Only Edition, Hamburg 1826 - Luach Sefarim Hanirshamim, Leipzig 1845. Very Rare.
Kohelet David – Catalog of Rabbi David Oppenheim's Book Collection – Only Edition, Hamburg 1826 - Luach Sefarim Hanirshamim, Leipzig 1845. Very Rare.
1. Sefer Kohelet David, "List of the magnificent collection of books, curated and collected by the famous Rabbi David Oppenheim, rabbi of Prague".
Estimated price
Lot #37
Signature of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Avigdor Margulies Rabbi of Chentshin. Sha'ar Ephraim, Sulzbach 1688 – First Edition.
Signature of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Avigdor Margulies Rabbi of Chentshin. Sha'ar Ephraim, Sulzbach 1688 – First Edition.
Sefer Shaar Efraim, responsa by Rabbi Efraim HaKohen of Vilna (grandfather of Chacham Tzvi). Sulzbach, 1688. First edition.
Estimated price
Lot #38
Copy of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Menachem Mendel Rabin of Linsk the father of the Holy Rebbe Naftali Tzvi Horowitz of Ropshitz.
Copy of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Menachem Mendel Rabin of Linsk the father of the Holy Rebbe Naftali Tzvi Horowitz of Ropshitz.
Sefer HaMitzvot by the Rambam. Berlin, 1733.
Estimated price
Lot #39
Signature of Rabbi Abraham son of the Gr''a of Vilna? Responsa Keter Kehunah – With Responsa by the Maggid of Kozhnitz – Zhovkva 1805. First Edition
Signature of Rabbi Abraham son of the Gr''a of Vilna? Responsa Keter Kehunah – With Responsa by the Maggid of Kozhnitz – Zhovkva 1805. First Edition
Responsa Keter Kehunah, by Rabbi Yitzchak Avraham Katz of Pinchov (Pińczów; descendant of Rabbi Shabtai Kohen, the Shach).
Estimated price
Lot #40
Signature of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Jacob Mozes Löwenstamm of Amsterdam son of the Hoy Gaon Rabbi Saul Löwenstamm. Signature of his son Rabbi Yehiel Aryeh Leib of Leeuwarden. Zayit Ra'anan, Venice 1743.
Signature of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Jacob Mozes Löwenstamm of Amsterdam son of the Hoy Gaon Rabbi Saul Löwenstamm. Signature of his son Rabbi Yehiel Aryeh Leib of Leeuwarden. Zayit Ra'anan, Venice 1743.
Sefer Zayit Ra'anan, commentary on Hayalkut by Rabbeiny Avraham Abele Halevi Gombiner, known as the Magen Avraham.
Estimated price
Lot #42
Ohel David – Additions and Emendations by the Holy Author, R. David Deutsch Rabbi of Ir Chadash. First Edition. Vienna 1822.
Ohel David – Additions and Emendations by the Holy Author, R. David Deutsch Rabbi of Ir Chadash. First Edition. Vienna 1822.
Sefer Ohel David, Talmudic novellae on various tractates (Yevamot, Bava Kama, Shabbat, Eruvin and Ketubot), by Harav David Deutsch Rabbi of Ir Chadash (Nowe Miasto).
Estimated price
Lot #43
Signatures of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Elyakim Getz Bodanzky Rabbi of Kormend. Signature of his fathers family: Moshe Leib Brandesh. Shtei HaLechem, Wandsbeck 1733, First Edition.
Signatures of the Holy Gaon Rabbi Elyakim Getz Bodanzky Rabbi of Kormend. Signature of his fathers family: Moshe Leib Brandesh. Shtei HaLechem, Wandsbeck 1733, First Edition.
Sefer Shtei HaLechem, By Rabbi Moshe Chagiz, Wandsbeck, 1733, First Edition. Copy lacking title page.
Estimated price
Lot #44
Copy from the library of the Holy Rebbi Aharon of Chernobyl and his son Rebbi Zusia of Chernobyl. Mitzpeh Aryeh, Johannisburg 1859.
Copy from the library of the Holy Rebbi Aharon of Chernobyl and his son Rebbi Zusia of Chernobyl. Mitzpeh Aryeh, Johannisburg 1859.
Sefer Mitzpeh Aryeh, Johannisburg (Pisz) 1859.
Estimated price
Lot #45
Marginalia by the Holy Gaon Rabbi Chaim Sofer of Munkatch- Copy of Rabbi David Halberstam Rabbi of Dobra. Seder Mishna, First Edition, Prague 1820.
Marginalia by the Holy Gaon Rabbi Chaim Sofer of Munkatch- Copy of Rabbi David Halberstam Rabbi of Dobra. Seder Mishna, First Edition, Prague 1820.
Seder Mishna, on the Rambam, section one. By the Gaon Rabbi Binyamin Wolf Boskowitz Rabbi of Kolin and Bonyhad. With approbations of the Chasam Sofer, 'Baruch Taam', Maharam Bennet and sages of Prague.
Estimated price
Lot #46
The Divrei Chaim of the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfreid the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. First Edition, Munkacs 1877.
The Divrei Chaim of the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfreid the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. First Edition, Munkacs 1877.
Sefer Divrei Chaim on the Torah, Festivals and Tractate Bava Metzia. By the Holy Rebbe Chaim Halberstam of Sanz.
Estimated price
Rare & special items! Early Seforim, special copies, Kabbalah, signatures & letters from Torah giants, Chabad, important Judaica & silver.