Recording the Chalitza of Shabtai Gaiger.

Grosswardein (Oradea), 1882.

Rabbi Moshe Hirsch Fuchs, Av Beis Din of Grosswardein (1843-1911) was one of the pillars of rabbinical studies in Hungary, and was a student of the Maharam Schick and the Ksav Sofer. In 1874 he was appointed Av Beis Din in Sered, and in 1882 became Av Beis Din in Grosswardein where he served for thirty years.

Rabbi Israel Moshe Klein. Was a nephew of the Gaon Rabbi Mer Almash & studied with him. (some sources write that he was a disiple of Maran the Chasam Sofer). From 1862 he was apportioned a Dayan in Grosswardein by the city’s Rabbi Yitzchak Aahron Landsberg, & later he became the Rosh Beth Din until his passing in 1894.

Rabbi Nathan Halevi Hoffman was born ca. 1813. He served as a Dayan in the Beth Din of Rabbi Moshe Hersh Fucs until his passing in 1893.

Other side with attestation letter & signature in German of Rabbi Dr. Meyer Kayserling (1829-1905)

Budapest, 1882.

Kayserling was born in Hanover, and was the brother of writer and educator Simon Kayserling. He was educated at Halberstadt, at Nikolsburg (Moravia) where he studied under Samson Raphael Hirsch, at Prague where he studied under S.J. Rapoport, at Würzburg where he studied under Seligman Baer Bamberger. He devoted himself to history and philosophy. Encouraged in historical researches in Berlin by Leopold von Ranke, Kayserling turned his attention to the history and literature of the Jews of the Iberian Peninsula.

In 1861 the government of Aargau appointed him rabbi of the two Swiss Jewish municipalities of Endingen and Lengnau in Surbtal, an office he held until 1870. 

In 1870, Kayserling accepted a call as preacher and rabbi to the Jewish community of Budapest, where he died 35 years later, aged 75.

33.5 Cm.

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Lot #204

Masseh Beth Din from the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Hirsch Fuchs of Grosswardein & the Dayanim Rabbi Israel Moshe Klein, Rabbi Nathan Halevi Hoffman. Attestation by Rabbi Meyer Kayserling. 1882.

Start price: $200

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