Large Slavuta & Zhitomir collection, Belz, Satmar, Chabad, Hungarian Gedolim, Letters, Manuscripts, a outstanding collection of silverware & paintings.

Lot #26
Signatures of Rabbi Menashe Goldberger of Stropkov & his son R. Zev Wolf. Rambam, Berditchev 1819, important Chassidic approbations.
Signatures of Rabbi Menashe Goldberger of Stropkov & his son R. Zev Wolf. Rambam, Berditchev 1819, important Chassidic approbations. Very important Chassidic Approbations, headed by the Kedushat Levi of Berditchev.
Estimated price

Lot #27
Signatures of Rabbi Yitzchak Zekel Halevi Pollack of Bonyhád. R. Sholomo Stern of Szerdahely. Zera Aharon, First Edition. Prague 1797. Rare
Signatures of Rabbi Yitzchak Zekel Halevi Pollack of Bonyhád. R. Sholomo Stern of Szerdahely. Zera Aharon, First Edition. Prague 1797. Rare
Sefer Zera Aharon - Torah novella researched by Rabbi Aharon Yitlash who would sit in judgment and issue instructions in Prague.
Estimated price

Lot #28
Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Yeshaya Rubin Rabbi of Belenyes & Mihalyfalva with his marginalia. Netivot Hamishpat, Königsberg 1859.
Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Yeshaya Rubin Rabbi of Belenyes & Mihalyfalva with his marginalia. Netivot Hamishpat, Königsberg 1859.
Title page with three types of Rabbi Yeshaya Hacohen Rubin's handstamps. Marginal notations in his holy hand on pages, 96, 28, 32 & 60.
Estimated price

Lot #29
Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Naftali Ha’Cohen Schwartz of Mad- Copy of his son the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Ha'Cohen Schwartz- Copy of Rabbi Asher Anshel Halevi Jungreis of Fábiánháza.
Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Naftali Ha’Cohen Schwartz of Mad- Copy of his son the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Ha'Cohen Schwartz- Copy of Rabbi Asher Anshel Halevi Jungreis of Fábiánháza.
Sefer Sheilot V’Teshuvos by Rabbi Moshe Alshich. Saloniki, 1781, [though actually Berlin, c. 1770]. This is a reprint of Berlin edition of 1766, with a new title page and without the approbations of the Berlin rabbis. The anonymous printer wrote a note of Gratitude to Hashem for enabling him to print the book through a wonderful person.
Estimated price

Lot #30
Signatures of the Holy Rabbi Yosef Reinman of Istrik, Stamp of his Son in law Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum Rabbi of Taitsh.Tiferet Menachem , Lviv 1875. Only Edition.
Signatures of the Holy Rabbi Yosef Reinman of Istrik, Stamp of his Son in law Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum Rabbi of Taitsh.Tiferet Menachem , Lviv 1875. Only Edition.
Tiferet Menachem - Lviv, 1875. Only Edition, A Rare Sefer.
Estimated price

Lot #33
Copy of the Holy Rebbi Shalom Eliezer Halberstam of Ratzfert.
Copy of the Holy Rebbi Shalom Eliezer Halberstam of Ratzfert.
The Holy Admor Rebbi Shalom Eliezer Halberstam (1862-1944) is a genius in Torah and measurements, a supreme saint. Tales of holiness, celibacy and the worship of God were connected to him. Many Jews from all over Hungary flocked to his home in Raztfert and were saved by his blessings. The youngest son of the holy Rebbe, Rabbi Chaim Halberstam, the author of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz, and the grandson of Rabbi Yechiel Zvi Unger of Torna, who was only 14 years old when his father died, But he was young enough to receive from his holy father. Soon after his marriage he moved to Hornisteople and stayed there for about ten years.
Estimated price

Lot #34
Signature of the Holy Gaon Rebbe Shlomo Baruch Tenenbaum Head of the Stropkov Beit Din- Copy of Rabbi Naftali Teitelbaum Rabbi of Nyírbátor.
Signature of the Holy Gaon Rebbe Shlomo Baruch Tenenbaum Head of the Stropkov Beit Din- Copy of Rabbi Naftali Teitelbaum Rabbi of Nyírbátor.
Sefer Chamudei Daniel, Vilna 1877.
Estimated price

Lot #35
Signature of the hidden Tzadik Rabbi Baruch Mordche Spitzer of mad. The host of the Holy Rebbe Yeshaya Steiner of nearby Bodrogkeresztúr.
Signature of the hidden Tzadik Rabbi Baruch Mordche Spitzer of mad. The host of the Holy Rebbe Yeshaya Steiner of nearby Bodrogkeresztúr.
Sefer Toldos Aaron, Lemberg 1864.
Estimated price

Lot #36
Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Ahraon Hakohen of Radin the son in law of Maran the Chofetz Chaim & Rabbi of Michaliszki & Nowo-Święciany.
Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Ahraon Hakohen of Radin the son in law of Maran the Chofetz Chaim & Rabbi of Michaliszki & Nowo-Święciany. Sefer Imrei Chemed, Vilna 1902.
Estimated price

Lot #37
Signatures of Rabbi Yechiel Michal HaCohen Fried of Balmazujvaros, in the lifetime of his Holy father.
Signatures of Rabbi Yechiel Michal HaCohen Fried of Balmazujvaros, in the lifetime of his Holy father.
Sefer Yad Hameir, Munkatch 1906. By Rabbi Ahron Yosef of Melitz & Zablatow.
Estimated price

Lot #39
The holy Gaon Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein, the 'Krasner Rav' [1900-1979] one of the greatest rabbis...
The holy Gaon Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein, the 'Krasner Rav' [1900-1979] one of the greatest rabbis... The holy Gaon Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein, the 'Krasner Rav' [1900-1979] one of the greatest rabbis before the war. He served as junior rabbi of Krasna, under his father Rabbi Bendit Lichtenstein Rabbi of Krasna. Son-in-law of the Gaon of Shamloy Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich. He traveled to Maran the Maharid of Belz and Maran the Atzei Chaim of Siget and was also close to the holy Rav Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn of Lubavitch.
Estimated price

Lot #40
Signatures of the Tzadik Rebbe Ahron Moshe Leifer Rebbe of Chust. Shut Zvi Tiferet. First edition, Munkacs 1912
Signatures of the Tzadik Rebbe Ahron Moshe Leifer Rebbe of Chust. Shut Zvi Tiferet. First edition, Munkacs 1912
Sefer Shut Zvi Tiferet by the author of the Darkei Tshuva and more.
Estimated price

Lot #41
Dedication and signature with blessings for health, grace, wealth, honor & Nachas by the Holy Rebbe of Tosh.
Dedication and signature with blessings for health, grace, wealth, honor & Nachas by the Holy Rebbe of Tosh.
Sefer Netiv Mitzvotecha & Otzar Hachaim given as a present to the Holy Rebbe of Tosh Zt''l, with gold stamping & names for him to Daven.
Estimated price

Lot #42
Segulah for Simcha: Ma'aseh Rokeach. Amsterdam 1740. First Edition. Wide margined copy.
Segulah for Simcha: Ma'aseh Rokeach. Amsterdam 1740. First Edition. Wide margined copy.
Sefer Ma'aseh Rokeach - Kabbalistic work by the G-dly Kabbalist Rabbi Elazar Rokeach, patriarch of Belz Chassidism.
Estimated price

Lot #43
Very Rare Eulogy 'Kol Dodi' on The Holy Rebbe Yehoshua Rokeach of Belz. Only Edition,...
Very Rare Eulogy 'Kol Dodi' on The Holy Rebbe Yehoshua Rokeach of Belz. Only Edition,... Very Rare Eulogy 'Kol Dodi' on The Holy Rebbe Yehoshua Rokeach of Belz. Only Edition, Lvov 1894.
Estimated price

Lot #44
Very Rare Eulogy 'Palgei Mayim' on The Holy Rebbe Yehoshua Rokeach of Belz. Only Edition, Lvov 1894.
Very Rare Eulogy 'Palgei Mayim' on The Holy Rebbe Yehoshua Rokeach of Belz. Only Edition, Lvov 1894.
Sefer Palgei Mayim by Rabbi Eliezer Segal Mishel Rabbi of Goligor & Turka in Galizia.
Estimated price

Lot #46
Kodesh Hakodoshim! Wonderful letter by the Holy Rebbe Ahron Rokeach of Belz. Invitation to a gathering of Rabbonim. With 2 lines & signature in his Holy hand. To the Holy Rebbe Yisroel Freidman of Chortkov. 1928.
Kodesh Hakodoshim! Wonderful letter by the Holy Rebbe Ahron Rokeach of Belz. Invitation to a gathering of Rabbonim. With 2 lines & signature in his Holy hand. To the Holy Rebbe Yisroel Freidman of Chortkov. 1928.
Very important letter, a invitation from the Holy Belzer Rebbe to a gathering of Rabbonim to fight the decrees of the Polish government concerning the election of Rabbis of the communities.
Estimated price

Lot #48
Original postcard showing the famous Belz Synagogue & Bais Hamedrash. Sent from Belz, 1910.
Original postcard showing the famous Belz Synagogue & Bais Hamedrash. Sent from Belz, 1910. Original picture postcard depicting the famous Synagogue in Belz. The view shown is before the 2nd floor addition by Maran Rebbe Yissachar Dov of Belz. It's titled ''Grosse Synagoge''
Estimated price

Lot #49
Letter with Signatures of 11 Leading Rabbis – Including Signature of Rabbi Mordechai Rokeach of Belz, the "Bilgoray Rav" – Jerusalem 1945
Letter with Signatures of 11 Leading Rabbis – Including Signature of Rabbi Mordechai Rokeach of Belz, the "Bilgoray Rav" – Jerusalem 1945
Letter with signatures of prominent rabbis and rebbes in Jerusalem – thanking him for his donation to the Tomche Achim mutual aid society, which provided assistance to the ill and lent medical equipment. Jerusalem, [ca. 1945].
Estimated price
Large Slavuta & Zhitomir collection, Belz, Satmar, Chabad, Hungarian Gedolim, Letters, Manuscripts, a outstanding collection of silverware & paintings.