Large Slavuta & Zhitomir collection, Belz, Satmar, Chabad, Hungarian Gedolim, Letters, Manuscripts, a outstanding collection of silverware & paintings.

Lot #1
Trumat HaDeshen - Pesakim U'Ktavim, Venice 1546. Copy of the Hungarian Gaonim Rabbi Shmuel Binyamin Sofer of Derecske, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Kahana of Humne, Rabbi Yitzchak Oelbaum of Cieszyn, Rabbi Simcha Bunim Greenberger of Pressburg. Antique Signature
Trumat HaDeshen - Pesakim U'Ktavim, Venice 1546. Copy of the Hungarian Gaonim Rabbi Shmuel Binyamin Sofer of Derecske, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Kahana of Humne, Rabbi Yitzchak Oelbaum of Cieszyn, Rabbi Simcha Bunim Greenberger of Pressburg. Antique Signature Sefer Trumat HaDeshen, by Rabbi Yisrael Isserlein – Venice, 1546.
Estimated price

Lot #2
Shu''t Maharam of Rotenberg, Cremona 1557.First Edition. Rare.
Shu''t Maharam of Rotenberg, Cremona 1557.First Edition. Rare.
Responsa authored by Rabbi Meir, the Maharam, most of the glosses that were added to Maimonides' Mishne Torah were copied from the Maharam's responsa.
Estimated price

Lot #3
Mekor Chochmah, by Kabbalist Rabbi Yissachar Ber of Kremenets - Prague, 1610 - First Edition
Mekor Chochmah, by Kabbalist Rabbi Yissachar Ber of Kremenets - Prague, 1610 - First Edition
Sefer Mekor Chochmah, "to comprehend and know pure sayings… from the Zohar… on the entire Torah", bythe Holy Kabbalist Rabbi Yissachar Ber of Kremenets.
Estimated price

Lot #4
Shefa Tal, Hanau 1612. First edition. Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Halevi of Chelm - Copy of the Holy Rebbi Aharon Moshe "MiGeza Zvi" of Brod.
Shefa Tal, Hanau 1612. First edition. Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Halevi of Chelm - Copy of the Holy Rebbi Aharon Moshe "MiGeza Zvi" of Brod.
Sefer Shefa Tal, By Rabbi Shabtai ben Akiva Halevi Horowitz.The Remak's Kabbalah.
Estimated price

Lot #7
Zichron Torat Moshe. Prague 1623. Signature of the Holy Mekubal Rabbi David son of R. Nathan Grunhut. Beautiful original binding.
Zichron Torat Moshe. Prague 1623. Signature of the Holy Mekubal Rabbi David son of R. Nathan Grunhut. Beautiful original binding.
Sefer Zichron Torath Moshe.Important alphabetical subject index of the Talmud including citations to Moreh Nevuchim, Akeidah, Ikkarim, Derech Emunah, Neveh Shalom, Or Hashem, and Derashoth ha-Ra”N. A work that lends significance to the history of scholarship in the 16th century, indicating those works considered at the time to be worthy of study.
Estimated price

Lot #8
Mishnayot and Talmudic Aggadot, Sanhedrin and Makot - Hebrew-Latin - Amsterdam 1629.
Mishnayot and Talmudic Aggadot, Sanhedrin and Makot - Hebrew-Latin - Amsterdam 1629.
Duo tituli Thalmudici Sanhedrin et Maccoth, cum excerptis ex utriusque Gemara, versa, & annotationibus, depromtis maximam partem, ex Ebraeorum commentariis -
Estimated price

Lot #9
Shnei Luchot HaBrit. First Edition, Amsterdam 1648-1649. Including the Renowned "Tefillat HaShla"h" , Lacking copy with marginalia & signatures.
Shnei Luchot HaBrit. First Edition, Amsterdam 1648-1649. Including the Renowned "Tefillat HaShla"h" , Lacking copy with marginalia & signatures.
Sefer Shnei Luchot HaBrit by the gadol v'kadosh hadorot, the G-dly Kabbalist Rabbeinu Yeshayah HaLevi Horowitz, known as "HaShla"h HaKadosh" after this sefer.
Estimated price

Lot #10
Shnei Luchos Habris by the Shl”a Hakadosh. The “Nachas” Edition. Amsterdam 1698. Lacking copy in Beautiful condition! Birth Year of the Baal Shem Tov.
Shnei Luchos Habris by the Shl”a Hakadosh. The “Nachas” Edition. Amsterdam 1698. Lacking copy in Beautiful condition! Birth Year of the Baal Shem Tov.
Pearls of wisdom and profound lessons in kabbalah, mussar, commentary on the Torah and principles of the Oral Torah by the saintly kabbalist Rabbi Yeshaya Halevi Horowitz, the Shl”a Hakadosh.
Estimated price

Lot #13
Kaballah: Pelach HaRimon, Summary of of R. Moshe Cordovero's Pardes Rimonim. Korets 1786.
Kaballah: Pelach HaRimon, Summary of of R. Moshe Cordovero's Pardes Rimonim. Korets 1786.
An abbreviated version of Rabbi Moshe Kordovero's Pardess (the Ramak), by Rabbi Menachem Azaria (of Pano). With the Peirush Avodas Yom Ha-Kippurim by Rabbi Moshe Kordovero added at the end.
Estimated price

Lot #15
First Edition Classic. Matteh Efraim by Rabbi Efraim Zalman Margalios. Zolkova 1834- Copy of the Rabbinic Jungreisz family.
First Edition Classic. Matteh Efraim by Rabbi Efraim Zalman Margalios. Zolkova 1834- Copy of the Rabbinic Jungreisz family.
Sefer Matteh Efraim is a fundamental book on the laws and customs of the Yamim Noraim. The sefer contains detailed instructions for customs spanning the month of Elul through the end of Succos, and is widely accepted by Ashkenazic communities–Lithuanian and Chassidic alike. It is regarded as the primary source of the laws and customs of the High Holidays and Festival of Succos and is one of the main sources of the Mishnah Berurah on these halachos.
Estimated price

Lot #17
Classic-Chiddushei Rabbenu Chaim HaLevi on the Rambam , First Edition, Brisk 1936. Signed binding.
Classic-Chiddushei Rabbenu Chaim HaLevi on the Rambam , First Edition, Brisk 1936. Signed binding.
Sefer Chidushei Rabbeinu Chaim Halevi, innovations and elucidations on the Rambam by the Rav of the entire Diaspora Rabbeinu Chaim Soloveitchik, Av Beis Din of Brisk.
Estimated price

Lot #19
A very large & important collection of Antique Seforim. Signatures, stamps & marginalia.
A very large & important collection of Antique Seforim. Signatures, stamps & marginalia. Among them a signature & stamp of Rabbi Shlomo Betzalel Biderman Rabbi of Lubitch son of Rabbi Yaakov Dovid Biderman of Vishogrod.
Estimated price

Lot #20
Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Tebeli Hess of Mannheim- Rabbi Zalman Fuerst
of Heidelberg. Shut HaRadbaz, II, First Edition, Venice 1749.
Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Tebeli Hess of Mannheim- Rabbi Zalman Fuerst
of Heidelberg. Shut HaRadbaz, II, First Edition, Venice 1749.
Sefer Shut HaRadbaz, II, by the Gaon Rabbi David ibn Zimra. Venice, 1749. First edition.
Estimated price

Lot #21
Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Yedidya Tiah Weil of Karlsruhe. Shu''t Mahara"m of Lublin, Metz 1769.
Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Yedidya Tiah Weil of Karlsruhe. Shu''t Mahara"m of Lublin, Metz 1769.
Sefer She'elot U'Teshuvot by the gaon Rabbi Meir - the Mahara"m of Lublin.
Estimated price

Lot #22
Marginalia in the Hand of the Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Lazi Heilbut of Berlin. Binyan Ariel. Amsterdam 1778. First Edition. Classic. Chol Hamoed shaving Polemic.
Marginalia in the Hand of the Gaon Rabbi Eliezer Lazi Heilbut of Berlin. Binyan Ariel. Amsterdam 1778. First Edition. Classic. Chol Hamoed shaving Polemic.
Sefer Binyan Ariel. By Rabbi Shaul [Lowenstam], Av Beit Din of Amsterdam and grandson of the Chacham Tzvi. Two parts in one volume.
Estimated price

Lot #23
Dedication by the Holy Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Ehrenfeld on his Sefer Chasan Sofer to Harav Yitzchak Itzhak Deutch of Vienna.
Dedication by the Holy Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Ehrenfeld on his Sefer Chasan Sofer to Harav Yitzchak Itzhak Deutch of Vienna.
Sefer Chasan Sofer part 1 by the famous holy Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Ehrenfeld. First Edition, Ungvar 1874.
Estimated price

Lot #25
Writing & signature of the Gaon Rabbi Binyomin Shlomo Zalmen Spitzer Rabbi of Vienna. Asifas Zekeinim, Metz 1764.
Writing & signature of the Gaon Rabbi Binyomin Shlomo Zalmen Spitzer Rabbi of Vienna. Asifas Zekeinim, Metz 1764.
Sefer Asifas Zekeinim- Avodas Hakodesh-Porath Yosef. First edition, Metz 1764
Estimated price
Large Slavuta & Zhitomir collection, Belz, Satmar, Chabad, Hungarian Gedolim, Letters, Manuscripts, a outstanding collection of silverware & paintings.