Rare & Important! Books, Slavuta, Chabad, Chassidut, Letters, Manuscripts & A Outstanding Silver Collection
Lot #24
First edition of Perek Shira. Pirkei Shira – Mantova 1661 – Rare.
First edition of Perek Shira. Pirkei Shira – Mantova 1661 – Rare.
Pirkei Shirah with commentary by Rabbi Hananiah of Monselice , and his son Rabbi Gamliel an Italian scholar who lived at Ferrara, later at Parma, in the seventeenth century. He filled the position of chief rabbi or head of the Talmudical schools of the province of Parma.
Estimated price
Lot #26
Masechet Sota in a small format—a special printing for the mitzvot of “uvalechtecha vaderech”. Amsterdam...
Masechet Sota in a small format—a special printing for the mitzvot of “uvalechtecha vaderech”. Amsterdam... Masechet Sota in a small format—a special printing for the mitzvot of “uvalechtecha vaderech”. Amsterdam 1723.
Estimated price
Lot #27
Sumptuous copy entirely on blue paper & with extra large margins. Midrash Rabbah , Amsterdam 1725.
Sumptuous copy entirely on blue paper & with extra large margins. Midrash Rabbah , Amsterdam 1725.
Sefer Midrash Rabba with the following commnetaries: "Matnot Kehuna", "Yedei Moshe", "Mishnat Rabbi Eliezer" by Rabbi Eliezer of Fisnov and "Zera Avraham" by Rabbi Avraham (Hellin) of Gluge.
Estimated price
Lot #28
Rare, not listed bibliographically. Slichot with a Yiddish interpretation - Prague 1784 - with a hymn for the time of an epidemic.
Rare, not listed bibliographically. Slichot with a Yiddish interpretation - Prague 1784 - with a hymn for the time of an epidemic.
Slichot customary in Poland Hungary Maharin. With a commentary in the Ashkenazi [Yiddish] language. Prague, 1784.
Estimated price
Lot #29
Shivchei Yerushalayim [an anthology of works (including R. Chaim Vital and R. Isaac Luria) on the Holy Sites].Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Chai Mussafia.
Shivchei Yerushalayim [an anthology of works (including R. Chaim Vital and R. Isaac Luria) on the Holy Sites].Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Avraham Chai Mussafia.
Edited by Yaakov b. Moshe Chaim Baruch.
Estimated price
Lot #30
Shenot Eliyahu on Mishnayot Zera'im – Commentaries by the Gaon of Vilna – Lviv 1799 – First Edition.
Shenot Eliyahu on Mishnayot Zera'im – Commentaries by the Gaon of Vilna – Lviv 1799 – First Edition.
Sefer Shnot Eliyahu - commentary on the mishnahs in Seder Zeraim by Rabbi Eliyahu - the Vilna Gaon. Including two commentaries, a lengthy commentary and a short commentary.
Estimated price
Lot #31
Ye’aros Dvash by Rabbi Yehonasan Eibschutz with Author’s Portrait. Vienna 1818. Marginalia.
Ye’aros Dvash by Rabbi Yehonasan Eibschutz with Author’s Portrait. Vienna 1818. Marginalia.
Derashos, containing stirring mussar, divrei Torah and eulogies by Rabbi Yehonasan Eibschutz.
Estimated price
Lot #32
Penteteuch - Modah L’Binah By Rabbi Binyamin Wolf Heidenheim . Rodelheim . 1818-1821, First Edition.
Penteteuch - Modah L’Binah By Rabbi Binyamin Wolf Heidenheim . Rodelheim . 1818-1821, First Edition.
Complete set in 5 volumes. Good condition, light stains, old bindings.
Estimated price
Lot #33
Pe'at HaShulchan. Beck Press. Safed 1836, First Edition.
Pe'at HaShulchan. Beck Press. Safed 1836, First Edition.
Sefer Pe'at HaShulchan - laws of the Land of Israel compiled from the words of the Tana'im and the Rishonim per the Gr"a and his halachic methods, by Rabbi Yisrael of Shklov.
Estimated price
Lot #34
(Machine Matzot Polemic) Moda’a Le-Beit Yisrael. Breslau 1859. Rare only edition.
(Machine Matzot Polemic) Moda’a Le-Beit Yisrael. Breslau 1859. Rare only edition.
Collection of responsa by various authorities addressed to Chaim Nathan Dembitzer, Rabbi of Cracow, forbidding the consumption on Passover of machine-baked matzoth. The Jewish community of Cracow, Poland, in rather close proximity to Germany, came under German-Jewish influence in accepting the recent innovation of machine-produced matzah. In order to curb this lenient tendency in his community, it appears that Dembitzer solicited the learned opinions of the halachic luminaries of Poland.
Estimated price
Lot #35
The First Hassidic Siddur in the World - Koretz 1785 – a extremely Rare Siddur!
The First Hassidic Siddur in the World - Koretz 1785 – a extremely Rare Siddur! Siddur Mishnat Hassidim, by the Kabbalist Rabbi Emanuel Chai Ricchi, containing the Siddur for the prayers of the year according to the Siddur of the Ari. With Selichot, "Raza De'Shbbat", Psalms, and the Passover Haggadah.
Estimated price
Lot #36
Chassidut. Melo HaRo’im , Approbation of the Bnei Yissacher – Zolkiew 1838. First edition.
Chassidut. Melo HaRo’im , Approbation of the Bnei Yissacher – Zolkiew 1838. First edition.
Sefer Melo HaRo’im, two sections, Klallei HaTalmud in alphabetical order by Rabbi Yaakov Zvi Yalish (Yolles) of Dinov. Section one – opinions of Tanaim and Amoraim regarding all machlokot; Section two – klalei hamidot v’hadrashot shehaTorah nidreshet bahem.
Estimated price
Lot #37
Complete set “Yismach Moshe” Commentary on the Torah from Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum of Újhely, Patriarch of all Satmar Chassidic Communities; Lemberg, 1849-1861.
Complete set “Yismach Moshe” Commentary on the Torah from Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum of Újhely, Patriarch of all Satmar Chassidic Communities; Lemberg, 1849-1861.
Comments on the Chamisha Chumshei Torah by Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum, ab”d of Újhely. Edited and organized by Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum’s grandson, Rabbi Yekusiel Yehuda Teitelbaum- author of Yetev Lev.
Estimated price
Lot #38
Copy with hugh margins! Derech Emunah, Czernowitz, 1856. Chassidut, Only edition.
Copy with hugh margins! Derech Emunah, Czernowitz, 1856. Chassidut, Only edition.
Sefer Derech Emunah, part 2, on the Torah and holidays (Bereshit, Shmot and Passover Haggada), according to the Zohar and Hassidism. By Rabbi Menachem Mendel (Stern) Av Beit Din of Sighet.
Estimated price
Lot #39
Kol Simcha by the Holy Rebbi Simcha Bunim of Peshischa. .Breslau 1859, First Edition
Kol Simcha by the Holy Rebbi Simcha Bunim of Peshischa. .Breslau 1859, First Edition
Sefer Kol Simchah - Torah novellae by the great and sacred Admo"r ... Rabbi Simchah Bunim of Peshischa.
Estimated price
Lot #40
Birkat David, Rebbi David of Tolna. Zhitomir 1862 – First Edition – Segulah Sefer
Birkat David, Rebbi David of Tolna. Zhitomir 1862 – First Edition – Segulah Sefer
Sefer Birkat David, Chassidic and kabbalistic homiletics on the Torah and Festivals, by Rebbe David of Tolna.
Estimated price
Lot #41
Rare. Megilas Setarim. By the Holy Arvei Nachal. Lvov 1862. First Edition..
Rare. Megilas Setarim. By the Holy Arvei Nachal. Lvov 1862. First Edition..
Rabbi David Shlomo Eibeshutz; Megilas Setarim, moralistic teachings based on first chapter of Tehillim, by the Holy author of Arvei Nachal.
Estimated price
Lot #42
Divrei Menachem by Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Rimanov, Lemberg 1863. First Rare Edition.
Divrei Menachem by Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Rimanov, Lemberg 1863. First Rare Edition.
Words from the sacred mouth of the honorable Admo"r, the rabbi and true gaon, the tzaddik and foundation of the world, who has surpassed his teachers, Rabbi Menachem Mendel ... who was based in Frysztak and Rimanov, who spoke every Shabbat to excite hearts in reverence of Hashem and his service, so that tzaddikim are happy and the upright rejoice. May the merit of the author stand by us and all of the Jewish people, amen.
Estimated price
Lot #43
Especially Rare! Pirkei Avot with commentary by the Holy Koznitz Maggid & his son the Holy Rebbe Moshe Elyokim Briah. Lvov, 1866, First Edition.
Especially Rare! Pirkei Avot with commentary by the Holy Koznitz Maggid & his son the Holy Rebbe Moshe Elyokim Briah. Lvov, 1866, First Edition.
Exceedingly rare Chassidic Sefer ! Has only appeared once at public auction.
Estimated price
Lot #44
Segula! Magen Avraham Published By The Author The Holy Maggid Of Trisk. Lublin 1886. First Edition. 2 Parts.
Segula! Magen Avraham Published By The Author The Holy Maggid Of Trisk. Lublin 1886. First Edition. 2 Parts.
Chassidic teachings of the Maggid of Trisk, with his introduction bearing a unique lithographic reproduction of the author’s signature, under his promise that this sefer will bring its owners benefit, and his blessings the fulfilment of all their wishes, with children and grandchildren ...’.
Estimated price
Lot #45
Segula book: Toldot Yitzhak—first edition, Munkatch 1904. Original wrapper.
Segula book: Toldot Yitzhak—first edition, Munkatch 1904. Original wrapper.
Sefer Toldot Yitzhak on the Torah, Part 2, by Rabbi Yitzhak Isaac Weiss, Av Beit Din of Svaliava and Munkatch, the author of the Beit Yitzhak and Divrei Yitzhak, brought to the printer by his son Rabbi Yosef Weiss of Munkatch.
Estimated price
Lot #46
Kedushas Yom Tov on the Torah and Mo'adim, I-II, by the holy Rebbe Rabbi Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Teitelbaum. Sighet 1905. First Edition.
Kedushas Yom Tov on the Torah and Mo'adim, I-II, by the holy Rebbe Rabbi Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Teitelbaum. Sighet 1905. First Edition. Sefer Kedushas Yom Tov, 2 parts , on the Torah and Kedusha Shniya, by the Holy Rebbe Rabbi Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Teitelbaum.
Estimated price
Lot #47
Segulah for Riches! Collection of 6 volumes of the Holy Sefer Imrei Yosef Spinka on the Torah and the festivals First editions 1910-1931- Stamp of his grandsons, the brothers Rebbi Yisrael Chaim and Rabbi Naftali Tzvi hy"d, both sons of the righteous 'Cha
Segulah for Riches! Collection of 6 volumes of the Holy Sefer Imrei Yosef Spinka on the Torah and the festivals First editions 1910-1931- Stamp of his grandsons, the brothers Rebbi Yisrael Chaim and Rabbi Naftali Tzvi hy"d, both sons of the righteous 'Cha A segulah Sefer – in the introduction his son the Chekel Yitzchak of Spinka writes that “And therefore my brothers and friends I wish to bring blessing into your homes because this holy book will provide protection in your homes and draw offspring, life and prosperity into your dwelling places.”
Estimated price
Rare & Important! Books, Slavuta, Chabad, Chassidut, Letters, Manuscripts & A Outstanding Silver Collection