Rare & Important! Books, Slavuta, Chabad, Chassidut, Letters, Manuscripts & A Outstanding Silver Collection
Wed Dec 14 2022 11:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Lot #3
BEN SIRA. (Alpha-Beita De-Ben Sira). Sententiae Morales Ben Syrae.. AND: Sepher Tuviah / Tobias Hebraice. Isny 1542
BEN SIRA. (Alpha-Beita De-Ben Sira). Sententiae Morales Ben Syrae.. AND: Sepher Tuviah / Tobias Hebraice. Isny 1542
Together, two works in one volume. Titles in Hebrew and Latin. Aramaic and Hebrew texts with Latin translation.
Estimated price

Lot #4
Thesaurus Linguae Sanctae – Otzar Leshon HaKodesh – Latin Translation of R. David Kimhi's Sefer Hashorashim – [Paris, 1548]
Thesaurus Linguae Sanctae – Otzar Leshon HaKodesh – Latin Translation of R. David Kimhi's Sefer Hashorashim – [Paris, 1548]
Otzar Lashon HaKodesh, the Radak's Sefer HaShorashim, in Latin translation Thesaurus linguae sanctae ex Rabbi David Kimchi by Sancte Pagnino. [Paris] [1548].
Estimated price

Lot #9
Ibur Shanim U'Tekufot. Venice, 1579. Official First Edition.
Ibur Shanim U'Tekufot. Venice, 1579. Official First Edition.
Sefer Ibur Shanim U'Tekufot - fundamental book about the Hebrew calendar, and the order of Torah and haftarah readings for the entire annual cycle "from 1539 to the end of time... " with the customs of various communities, by Rabbi Yissachar ibn Sossan.
Estimated price

Lot #10
Gedolim Ma'ase Hashem - Haggadah - Lublin/Cracow 1584. With unrecorded pages. Very Rare!
Gedolim Ma'ase Hashem - Haggadah - Lublin/Cracow 1584. With unrecorded pages. Very Rare!
Sefer Gedolim Ma'asei Hashem, commentary on the stories of the Torah, with Haggadah of Pesach and commentary, by Rabbi Eliezer Ashkenazi, Rabbi Elya HaRofeh, Lublin, 1584. Unknown printer.
Estimated price

Lot #11
Chazon L’Moed commentary on the Book of Daniel. Only Edition. Venice, 1586.
Chazon L’Moed commentary on the Book of Daniel. Only Edition. Venice, 1586.
Sefer Chazon L’Moed, commentary on the Book of Daniel (with the biblical text), by Dr. Rabbi Shmuel Valero, author of Yad HaMeleh on Megillat Esther.
Estimated price

Lot #12
Sefer Tzemach David, Hebrew and Aramaic lexicon of Shorashim (root-letters), with explanations in Latin and...
Sefer Tzemach David, Hebrew and Aramaic lexicon of Shorashim (root-letters), with explanations in Latin and... Sefer Tzemach David, Hebrew and Aramaic lexicon of Shorashim (root-letters), with explanations in Latin and Italian, by "Rabbi David min HaTapuchim, Doctor from the city of Spoleto" [David de Pomis].
Estimated price

Lot #15
First printed work to contain teachings from the Arizal Marpeh Lanefesh. Venice, 1595.
Rare Kabbalistic Work
First printed work to contain teachings from the Arizal Marpeh Lanefesh. Venice, 1595.
Rare Kabbalistic Work
Concerning the 'process of Teshuvah' and rectifications for sins, by the Arizal accompanied with elucidations of his student, Harav Avraham Tzahalon.
Estimated price

Lot #20
Etz Shatul, Venice 1618. Approbations by the Shelah, the Maharsha, the Maharam of Lublin, the Keli Yakar and Others
Etz Shatul, Venice 1618. Approbations by the Shelah, the Maharsha, the Maharam of Lublin, the Keli Yakar and Others Sefer Etz Shatul, Sefer HaIkkarim by Rabbi Yosef Albo, with commentaries by Rabbi Gedaliah son of Moshe [Lipschitz].
Estimated price

Lot #21
Roman Rite Machzor, Part II – Venice 1626 – Ornamented Leather & silver binding.
Roman Rite Machzor, Part II – Venice 1626 – Ornamented Leather & silver binding.
Machzor following Roman rite, part II. Venice: Giovanni Caleoni for Pietro, Alvise & Lorenzo Bragadin, 1626.
Estimated price

Lot #23
Drishah U’Prishah on Yoreh Deah. First Edition. Lublin, 1635.
Rare Classic!
Drishah U’Prishah on Yoreh Deah. First Edition. Lublin, 1635.
Rare Classic! Tur-Yoreh Deah with Sefer Drishah U’Prishah by Harav Yehoshua Falk Katz, author of the Sm”a. Renowned to many by the name of his magnum opus, the Sm”a was a disciple of the Rema and Maharshal. He authored one of the most fundamental commentaries on the Tur, a work referenced extensively throughout centuries of halachic works.
Estimated price
Rare & Important! Books, Slavuta, Chabad, Chassidut, Letters, Manuscripts & A Outstanding Silver Collection