'Online' Sale

Lot #512
Tiferes Tzvi Ze'ev - Rare only edition Lemberg, 1896. Lacking copy
Tiferes Tzvi Ze'ev - Rare only edition Lemberg, 1896. Lacking copy
By Rabbi Tzvi Ze’ev, the Rebbe of Zbaraz, Chassidic Torah explanations including novellae the author heard from his illustrious father, Rabbi Yechiel Michel – the Maggid of Zloczov.
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Lot #517
Toldot Yitzchak (Neshchiz) - Bilgoraj 1909.
Toldot Yitzchak (Neshchiz) - Bilgoraj 1909.
The author, Rebbe Yitzchak of Neshchiz (1789-1868), was the youngest son of Rebbe Mordechai of Neshchiz and close disciple of Rebbe Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. Throughout his lifetime, Rebbe Yitzchak of Neshchiz rarely lectured in public. However, in the last year of his life, he delivered lectures on the Torah and Tehillim often and published them in the present book.
Estimated price

Lot #519
Siddur Or Torah – Ba'al HaTanya – Vilna 1911
Siddur Or Torah – Ba'al HaTanya – Vilna 1911
Siddur Torah Or with Shaar HaKollel, by the Admor HaZaken. A prayer book based on the nusach Ari, a number and corrected edition. Prayers with the laws and minhagim founded by the Admor…Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liady, the author of the Shulchan Aruch HaRav and the Tanya.
Estimated price

Lot #522
Hashalom Veha'achdus, by Rabbi Chaim Meir Yechiel Shapira, Darovitz 1914, First edition. Authors stamp.
Hashalom Veha'achdus, by Rabbi Chaim Meir Yechiel Shapira, Darovitz 1914, First edition. Authors stamp.
By Rabbi Chaim Meir Yechiel Shapira [1864-1924]. He was the first Admor of Drohobitch. A grandson of the great Chassidic masters - the Saraf Rabbi Chaim Meir Yechiel Shapira (I) of Moglinitza, the maggid of Kozhitz, Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin, and the Admo"r of Sadigura.
Estimated price
Seforim from the 16th Century, 17-19 Century, Chassidut, Signatures & inscriptions, Polemics, Eulogies, Liturgy, Letters & Graphics.