'Online' Sale

Lot #75
Prominent approbations. First edition of Hagahos "Drishas Haz'eiv" on sefer "Zevach Shmuel", Dyhernfurth , 1822.
Prominent approbations. First edition of Hagahos "Drishas Haz'eiv" on sefer "Zevach Shmuel", Dyhernfurth , 1822.
Sefer Zevach Shmuel - Drishat HaZe'ev, laws of slaughtering by Rabbi Shmuel of Lissa, with glosses Drishat HaZe'ev, by grandson of author, Rabbi Shmuel Ze'ev, examiner, slaughterer and chief purger in Lissa. Dyhernfurth 1822.
Estimated price

Lot #79
MahaRam Mintz - Apei Zutrei Volume 1. Prague 1827. First edition of this part.
MahaRam Mintz - Apei Zutrei Volume 1. Prague 1827. First edition of this part.
Sefer 'MahaRam Mintz' - 'Apei Zutrei', Volume 1, collection Shut edited by his son Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Mintz Rav of Tab. First edition, which was published during the life of the author. Prague 1827.
Estimated price

Lot #81
Chavat Da'at - By the Netivot HaMishpat, First Edition printed in the author's lifetime, Josefow 1827.
Chavat Da'at - By the Netivot HaMishpat, First Edition printed in the author's lifetime, Josefow 1827.
Sefer Chavas Da'as, elucidations and innovations on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah [with the text, Siman69-11, 159-177, 183-197], by Rabbi Yaakov [Lorberbaum] Av Beis Din of Lisa. With Toras HaShelamim on Hilchos Nidah [Siman 183-197, by Rabbi Yaakov Reisher].
Estimated price

Lot #82
Birchas Kohanim, Amsterdam 1828, Only edition. Rare.
Birchas Kohanim, Amsterdam 1828, Only edition. Rare.
Wonderful discourses built upon profound analysis and beautiful parables, stimulating commentary with morals to be learned from verses and Agados of Chazal, by the great Darshan, Rav Baruch Hacohen, Av Beis Din of Czarnkow. Published by Rav Avraham Prinz.
Estimated price

Lot #86
First Edition Classic. Matteh Efraim by Rabbi Efraim Zalman Margalios. Zolkova 1834. Marginalia.
First Edition Classic. Matteh Efraim by Rabbi Efraim Zalman Margalios. Zolkova 1834. Marginalia.
Sefer Matteh Efraim is a fundamental book on the laws and customs of the Yamim Noraim. The sefer contains detailed instructions for customs spanning the month of Elul through the end of Succos, and is widely accepted by Ashkenazic communities–Lithuanian and Chassidic alike. It is regarded as the primary source of the laws and customs of the High Holidays and Festival of Succos and is one of the main sources of the Mishnah Berurah on these halachos.
Estimated price

Lot #90
Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Solomon Hirschell Rabbi of London. Bi'Ne'ot Desheh, Amsterdam 1735.
Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Solomon Hirschell Rabbi of London. Bi'Ne'ot Desheh, Amsterdam 1735.
Sefer Bi'Ne'ot Desheh By Rabbi Shlomo Adahan of Tafilalt, Amsterdam 1735 – First Edition.
Estimated price

Lot #91
Signatures of the Holy Divine Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Chazak Rabbi of Padua & Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Refael Finzi Rabbi of Padua.
Signatures of the Holy Divine Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Chazak Rabbi of Padua & Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Refael Finzi Rabbi of Padua.
Sefer Toldot Aharon, by Rabbi Aharon of Pissaro, Amsterdam 1652.
Estimated price

Lot #92
Wedding dedication to Rabbi Zalman Fuerst Rabbi of Heidelberg. Shu''t by Rabbeinu Yitzchak Halevi. Neuwied, 1736. First Edition.
Wedding dedication to Rabbi Zalman Fuerst Rabbi of Heidelberg. Shu''t by Rabbeinu Yitzchak Halevi. Neuwied, 1736. First Edition.
Responsa of Rabbi Yitzchak HaLevi, brother and teacher of the Taz. Part 2. Neuwied (Germany): Johann Balthasar Haupt, 1736.
Estimated price

Lot #94
The Holy Gaon Rabbi Meir Avraham (d. 1829), Av Beis Din of Tchaba and author...
The Holy Gaon Rabbi Meir Avraham (d. 1829), Av Beis Din of Tchaba and author... The Holy Gaon Rabbi Meir Avraham (d. 1829), Av Beis Din of Tchaba and author of Pri Tzaddik, was called by the Chasam Sofer “Ish Elokim.” Pious and holy, he gained a reputation as a miracle worker who possessed ruach hakodesh, and countless stories circulated throughout Hungary regarding his unparalleled sanctity and power to evoke miracles. For twenty years prior to his passing, he abstained from eating meat, learning Torah in seclusion in a cave throughout the day and night. The author of Be’er Shmuel of Unsdorf likewise praised him as “an angel in human form.”
Estimated price

Lot #95
Copy of the Gaon and Tzadik Rabbi Akiva Yosef Schlesinger-Igeret HaRambam, Lemberg 1857
Copy of the Gaon and Tzadik Rabbi Akiva Yosef Schlesinger-Igeret HaRambam, Lemberg 1857 On the title page there's a stamp (Showing the Kosel Hamaaravi, he lived right next to it) of the Gaon & Tzadik Rabbi Akiva Yosef Schlesinger.
Estimated price
Seforim from the 16th Century, 17-19 Century, Chassidut, Signatures & inscriptions, Polemics, Eulogies, Liturgy, Letters & Graphics.