'Online' Sale

Lot #51
Classic. Ya’aros Devas Part 1. First edition Karlsruhe 1779
Classic. Ya’aros Devas Part 1. First edition Karlsruhe 1779
First edition of the Ya’aros Devash, which includes sermons and eulogies by Rabbi Yonason Eibeschitz. With important approbation from the Shaagas Aryeh among others. The Ya’aros Devash is a preeminent Sefer “Drush”, beloved by both scholars and laymen.
Estimated price

Lot #52
Classic Sefer. First Edition. Sidrei Tahara. Berlin, 1783. With an approbation by Ba'al HaHaFla'ah.
Classic Sefer. First Edition. Sidrei Tahara. Berlin, 1783. With an approbation by Ba'al HaHaFla'ah.
SeferSidrei Tahara, with Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah Hilchos Nidah, authored by the Gaon Rabbi Elchonon Ashkenazi the son of the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Zanvil Av Beis Din of Shotland.
Estimated price

Lot #62
Sefer HaMikneh (by the Haflaa) / Machaneh Levi – Offenbach, 1801
Sefer HaMikneh (by the Haflaa) / Machaneh Levi – Offenbach, 1801
Sefer HaMakneh - Part II of Sefer Hafla'ah novellae on Tractate Kiddushin and the related halachahs, by Rabbi Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz, rabbi of Frankfurt.
Estimated price

Lot #64
Seder Hayom, Zholkva 1805. Copy of Rabbi Eli Munk
Seder Hayom, Zholkva 1805. Copy of Rabbi Eli Munk
Seder Hayom, commentary on the prayers al Derech Pardes, Hanhagos and Mussar by the holy Rav Rabbi Moshe ben Machir. Avraham Yehuda Leib Meir Haffer Press. Zholkva, 1805.
Estimated price

Lot #69
Teshuvos Ha’Geonim Basra’i. First edition, Prague 1816. With Novella by Rabbi David Deutsch Rabbi of Ir-Chadash.
Teshuvos Ha’Geonim Basra’i. First edition, Prague 1816. With Novella by Rabbi David Deutsch Rabbi of Ir-Chadash.
Collected halachic responsa of various Achronim including the TaZ, The Bach, The Tosfos Yom Tov, Rebbe R. Heschel and the Meginei Shlomo. At the end of this Sefer are printed novella by the Gaon Rabbi David Deutsch.
Estimated price

Lot #71
Ohel Yitzchok, Lviv 1819- Approbations from the Chassam Sofer and the Yismach Moshe.
Ohel Yitzchok, Lviv 1819- Approbations from the Chassam Sofer and the Yismach Moshe.
Sefer Ohel Yitzchak on hilchos shechita ubedikos, by Rav Yitzchak of Munkatch. The sefer was very popular and greatly widespread during that period.
Estimated price

Lot #73
Shaarei Torah by Rabbi Binyamin Wolff Löw. First Edition, Vienna 1821. Important approbations.
Shaarei Torah by Rabbi Binyamin Wolff Löw. First Edition, Vienna 1821. Important approbations.
Sefer Shaarei Torah, 24 klalim in financial laws (dinei mamanut), by the Gaon Rabbi Binyamin Wolff Löw, son of Rabbi Eliezer (the Shemen Rokeach).
Estimated price
Seforim from the 16th Century, 17-19 Century, Chassidut, Signatures & inscriptions, Polemics, Eulogies, Liturgy, Letters & Graphics.