Sefer Ohr HaChamah is an extremely important elucidation of the Zohar by Kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Azoulay (I), author of Chessed L’Avraham, and the Chid"a’s great-great-grandfather.

Third volume:, Vayikra. First edition. Jerusalem, 1879. 

During the Shinova Rebbe’s famous visit to the Land of Israel, he miraculously became aware of the sanctified manuscript that had previously been in the Chid"a’s possession (he mentions it in Shem HaGedolim) after which all trace of it was lost. The Shinova Rebbe, who saw the manuscript in the possession of a local merchant, spent a fortune to redeem it. He also gave money to the printers to print this book he considered so important. The Divrei Chaim of Sanz’s approbation, given in the last months of his life, is displayed at the beginning of the first volume. He was the Shinova Rebbe’s father. The last page of the book already refers to him as deceased.

Part III: Vayikra. [1], [1]: pictures for the portions Vayikra and Acharei Mot, 90 leaves.

Until page 75 in good shape, from page 75-90 with large tears affecting large parts of missing text. Old binding.

At top of title page a long dedication (slightly shaved) by the publisher the Dayan Rabbi Itzchak Itzik Boehm.

See Hebrew description for biographical details.

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Lot #113

Ohr HaChamah. Kabbalah. Printed in a Wondrous Way by the Rebbe of Shinova- Dedication by the publisher the Dayan Rabbi Itzchak Itzik Boehm.

Start price: $100

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