Holy Copy! A mussar Sefer that the Holy brothers the Arugas Habosem & the Keren Ledavid learned in.

Sefer Maskil El Dal, Ungvar, 1867. First Edition.

Title page with partial signature ”Lashem Haaretz Umloa Hak’ Moshe….

With his handstamps ”Moshe Greenwald rabbi of Chust & it’s environs”

Flyleaf with very interesting inscription of his brother the Holy Gaon Rabbi Eliezer David Greenwald, author of Keren Ledavid, as a 14 year old disciple of his Holy broth the Arugas Habosem:

"This sefer belongs to the righteous and holy Rabbi from birth, Rabbi Moshe, may he live long, son of that righteous one, Rabbi Amram Zvi, may his memory be a blessing, son of the famous sage, Rabbi Yosef Greenwald, who was a rabbinical judge in the community of Tshetshewitz and is buried there , חוט המשולש לא במהרה ינתק.

Words of his brother & disciple Hakatan Eliezer David Greenwald

The 4th day Parshat Shoftim 1881, one hour after Chatzot, as i’m busy studying for the big oral test that will take place iy”h tomorrow at the above time”

Another signature of the Keren Ledavid ‘‘Hakatan Eliezer David Greenwald son of my father Amrom Zvi Ztlvk”l”

Signature of their brother R. Yuda Greenwald.

Grunwald Csorna.

Revelation of their father’s name! It is well known  that their father’s name was ‘Amram, ‘ but here it is clarified that his full name was ‘Amram Zvi.’ It can be assumed that since he passed away at a young age of less than forty, they added the name ‘Zvi’ during his illness in 1870. Indeed, most of his grandchildren were only called by the name Amram, but his grandson, Rabbi Amram Zvi Greenwald of Oiber-Vishava [son of Rabbi Yekutiel Yuda Greenwald, Rabbi in Yare, son of our Rabbi], was indeed called by his full name like his grandfather. It should be noted that he also passed away young at the age of 45."

The famous Torah genius Rabbi Moshe Ben-Amram Greenwald (1853-1910, HaChatam Sofer Ve’Talmidav p. 521), one of the leading Hungarian rabbis and heads of yeshiva. Disciple of Rabbi Menachem Katz Prostitz of Tzehlim and disciple of the Ktav Sofer in Pressburg. As a young man, he already headed a yeshiva in his native city of Tcorna and later served in the rabbinate of several Hungarian communities. From 1893, he served as Av Bet Din of Chust. Although he studied in the yeshiva of the Chatam Sofer, he was affiliated with Chassidism and would travel to the Belz and Siget rebbes.

In Chust, he established his elaborate court and expanded his yeshiva which eventually became one of the largest yeshivas in Hungary. Disciples from all over the country and abroad flocked to his yeshiva and many Hungarian rabbis were his disciples. He was renowned for his compositions on Halacha and Aggada named Arugat HaBosem.

As a student of the Ktav Sofer, he declared war on those who were destroying Judaism with reforms, and his responsa addressed many issues of reiterating and building fences of halacha and the traditional path of his teachers.

The Holy Gaon & Tzadik Rabbi Eliezer David Greenwald was a rabbi and head of a yeshiva in the cities of Tzehlim (today Deutschkreutz in Austria), Oberwischau (Upper Vishuvah) and Satmar in Transylvania. He is known for his Sefer ‘Keren L’David’. Brother of Rabbi Moshe Greenwald, author of "Arugat HaBosem".

He was born in 1867 in Csorna, Hungary, to Rabbi Amram Greenwald, son of Rabbi Yosef Greenwald, Av Beit Din of Tchechowitz. In his youth, he studied with his brother, the author of Arugat HaBosem. He also studied briefly with Rabbi Shmuel Ehrenfeld, author of "Chatan Sofer"

In 1889 he married the daughter of Yaakov Rapaport of Bardeyov. After his marriage, he spent five years in Bardeyov, where he founded and chaired a yeshiva throughout his stay in the city. After wards he served as a Dayan in Dunaszerdahely, At the beginning of 1907 he was elected rabbi of the Jewish community of Tzehlim, where he also headed a large yeshiva. In 1912 he moved to serve as Rabbi of Oberwischau, and headed a yeshiva that numbered hundreds of students.

In 1921 he was elected rabbi of the Satmar community, and at the same time he headed a local yeshiva that with 400 students was one of the largest in the region.

His adopted daughter married the grandson of his brother, Rabbi Yosef Greenwald, who was his pupil and worked on printing his books. He passed away in 1928.

[5] 2-86,[2] Leaves. 20.5 Cm.

Overall Good condition, some stains and water stains, title page partially detached and has tear affecting text, original binding damaged, partially detached and lacking spine.

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Lot #171

Signatures of the Holy Gaonim Rabbi Moshe Greenwald, the Arugas Habosem of Chust & his brother Rabbi Eliezer David Greenwald of Satmar, the Keren Ledavid in his youth as his disciple. Discovery of their fathers name!

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