Chabad, Books, Manuscripts, Judaica, Art, Silver.
Lot #171
HaDerech – Budapest, Shvat 1944 – Words of the Belzer Rebbe Upon his Escape from the Holocaust to Eretz Israel – Second Edition, Uncensored
HaDerech – Budapest, Shvat 1944 – Words of the Belzer Rebbe Upon his Escape from the Holocaust to Eretz Israel – Second Edition, Uncensored
Words of the Belzer Rebbe Upon his Escape from the Holocaust to Eretz Israel –
Estimated price
Lot #172
HaDerech - Budapest, Adar 1944 - Words of the Belzer Rebbe Upon his Escape from the Holocaust to Eretz Israel - Third, Censored Edition
HaDerech - Budapest, Adar 1944 - Words of the Belzer Rebbe Upon his Escape from the Holocaust to Eretz Israel - Third, Censored Edition This third edition is particularly scarce!
Estimated price
Lot #175
Alon Bachut, eulogies for the holy Rav Rabbi David of Tolna and the holy Rav Rabbi Avraham Yaakov of Sadigura, by Rabbi Chaim Avraham Rabinowitz. Chernowitz, [1884]. Single edition. Rare.
Alon Bachut, eulogies for the holy Rav Rabbi David of Tolna and the holy Rav Rabbi Avraham Yaakov of Sadigura, by Rabbi Chaim Avraham Rabinowitz. Chernowitz, [1884]. Single edition. Rare.
Sefer Alon Bachut, eulogies for two sacred great rabbis, the Admor of Tolna and the Admor of Sadigura, by Rabbi Chaim Avraham Rabinowitz [Deutschman] Av Beis Din of Varizshen. Hirsch Vohl Press, Chernowitz, [1884].
Estimated price
Lot #176
Hesped on the Chesed Le'Avraham of Radomsk and Rabbi Shlomo Schapira of Munkatch. 1905.
Hesped on the Chesed Le'Avraham of Radomsk and Rabbi Shlomo Schapira of Munkatch. 1905. Maamar Zichron Tzadikim, First Edition, Munkatch 1905. By Rebbi Chaim Elazar Shapiro of Munkatch the 'Minchas Elazar'
Estimated price
Lot #178
'Demaot Shalish', eulogy on three sages of the generation the Holy Rabbi's of Sadigura, Alesk, and Viznitz. Authored by the great gaon Rabbi Uri Landman abd Podulay (Podu Iloaiei). Single edition. Czernowitz 1885.
'Demaot Shalish', eulogy on three sages of the generation the Holy Rabbi's of Sadigura, Alesk, and Viznitz. Authored by the great gaon Rabbi Uri Landman abd Podulay (Podu Iloaiei). Single edition. Czernowitz 1885.
'Demaot Shalish', eulogy on three great sages of the generation the Holy Rabbi Avraham Yaakov of Sadigura, the Holy Rabbi Chanoch Henoch of Alesk (Oles'ko) and the Holy 'Tzemach Tzedek' Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Viznitz. All of them passed away around the same time. Authored by Rabbi Uri Landman Rabbi in Podeloy.
Estimated price
Lot #184
Mishnayot, Zichron Avot with Kav V'Naki commentary,
Mishnayot, Zichron Avot with Kav V'Naki commentary, Mishnayot L'Yar Zeit, with important additions, including commentary on the 22 chapters corresponding to the 22 letters of the Aleph Beis. The suggested learning appropriate for a day of remembrance of a Yahr Zeit. Yiddish translation alongside the Mishnah. Including words of the soul's acceptance by the Tzadik and Mikubal of Belz",
Estimated price
Lot #185
The Will of the Menchas Elazar of Munchatz - First Edition
The Will of the Menchas Elazar of Munchatz - First Edition Bound together with the Munchatcher Haggadah Shel Pessach the first edition of the will of the Menchas Elazar is complete. The Lubavitcher Rebbe in HaYom Yom for the 19th of AV uses the minhag of the Minchas Elazar on how to put on four pair of Tefillin. Rashi should be put on at Aizehu Mekoimon etc. The Minchas Elazar was one of the Great Chasidic leaders of Pre-Holocaust World Jewry.
Estimated price
Lot #187
Noam Elimelech, Lviv 1858. The copy of the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Eliezer Waks Rabbi of Kalush.
Noam Elimelech, Lviv 1858. The copy of the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Eliezer Waks Rabbi of Kalush. Rabbi Chaim Elazar Wachs (1826-1889), among Torah giants of his generation and leaders of Jewry of Poland.
Estimated price
Chabad, Books, Manuscripts, Judaica, Art, Silver.