Books, Manuscripts, Judaica, Art, Silver.

Lot #172
An Important Papercut Amulet for protection of Mother and Child. Artist: David Elias Krieger, Circa, 1900
An Important Papercut Amulet for protection of Mother and Child. Artist: David Elias Krieger, Circa, 1900 This delicate item is known as a papercut, which is a type of decorative work that was popular with Jews in Eastern Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries. The condition is quite remarkable, with no tears or repairs, but it has been folded.
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Lot #174
A Solid Brass Megillah Case, Esther Scroll Print On Paper
A Solid Brass Megillah Case, Esther Scroll Print On Paper A solid brass case houses an Esther scroll that is in English and Hebrew. The case has expertly engraved Hebrew verses from the Purim story on all sides. A long, sinuous plant form ending it what appears to be a pomegranate, decorates the case as a separate applied piece of brass affixed on the case itself. Origin unknown, possibly the United Kingdom.
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Lot #175
A Silver Bezalel Case Esther Scroll, Jerusalem, 1st half 20th Century
A Silver Bezalel Case Esther Scroll, Jerusalem, 1st half 20th Century This Esther scroll is housed in a sterling silver case. Tightly spun filigree wire with a few inlaid stones decorates this case, most notably at the top and bottom, but across the center as well. The center of the case has a large blank oval shaped cartouche, which is there for the possibility of the owner choosing to have their initials professionally engraved. An applied silver shield shaped plaque is on the handle that reads "Bezalel Jerusalem" in Hebrew. Quite striking in appearance.
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Lot #176
Early 20th Century Megillah Case And Scroll By Bezalel School, Jerusalem
Early 20th Century Megillah Case And Scroll By Bezalel School, Jerusalem The book of Esther is known as the only Bible book, besides the Song of Songs, that does not explicitly mention God. In this Megillah it seems that the sofer (the Jewish scribe of religious writings) was determined to show that the name of God does appear in the text, thus he accented in bold various letters from the text, which combined will read as various names of God. The scribe has also added small pointing hand symbols to the first column, to guide the reader to finding the ‘hidden message’. Original manuscript on parchment, text arranged in 16 lines, in Hebrew script, housed in an elaborately decorated silver case made by Yemini for the Bezalel School. Decorated with five scenes from the story of Esther, with stepped filigree ends. The decorations include three filigree tiers and surrounding elaborate scenes from the Megillah, depicting Mordechai riding on a horse led by Haman, the King Ahasuerus...
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Lot #177
A Ze'ev Raban Illustrated Esther Scroll in Wooden Case, Bezalel, Jerusalem, Circa 1915
A Ze'ev Raban Illustrated Esther Scroll in Wooden Case, Bezalel, Jerusalem, Circa 1915 This small olivewood Esther scroll case features a scroll with scenes of the Purim story, and all these scenes were executed by the famed Bezalel school artist and teacher, Ze'ev Raban. The case has a painted scene of Jews praying at the Western Wall, and on the case it is marked "Bezalel Jerusalem". This dates to the 1920's, and is a rarity, due to the Raban illustrated scroll and the diminutive size of it's accompanying case.
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Lot #178
A Silver Megillah case with Esther Scroll, Ottoman Empire, 19th century
A Silver Megillah case with Esther Scroll, Ottoman Empire, 19th century This silver Esther scroll case dates to the 19th century, and is from the Ottoman Empire. It features a multi-paneled handle that attaches to cylindrical case that is decorated with bold floral motifs and rococo c-scrolls, all of which were entirely hand chased. This is an elegant, perhaps even magnificent, piece of antique Jewish ceremonial art.
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Lot #179
A Silver And Parcel Gilt Megillah, Turkey, 19th Century
A Silver And Parcel Gilt Megillah, Turkey, 19th Century Silver Esther scroll cases like this, with an angular shaped handle and an inlaid piece of coral at the top, is typical of scroll cases being made somewhere in the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century. However with this case, it can be definitively described as hailing from Turkey, as the national crest of Turkey, the crescent moon enclosing a star, is boldly featured in the center. Beautiful, intricate bands of hand chasing decorate this case, and a great deal of the gilding (gold wash), is still present.
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Lot #180
A Silver Bezalel Book Binding, Jerusalem, Circa 1950
A Silver Bezalel Book Binding, Jerusalem, Circa 1950 Bible with an impressive silver binding, marked "Bezalel Jerusalem". The binding is decorated with etching and filigree, the ten commandments, silver beads, the Twelve Tribes, Stars-of-David and fruits. Made in Jerusalem, Israel, circa 1950.
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Lot #184
A Silver Stanetsky Book Binding, Israel, Circa 1966
A Silver Stanetsky Book Binding, Israel, Circa 1966 This large sterling silver Tanach (Jewish Bible) cover has large cabochon cut stones inlaid into the cover. There is a lengthy engraved dedication on the spine dating to 1966. Hallmarked "Stanetsky", a famous gift shop in Jerusalem that has been in Jerusalem since the 1930's. Silver Tanach covers made in Israel featured closure clasps that were prone to break off due to the sheer weight of the silver covers and thick book it contained. So, many examples found today have the closure clasp missing. This example has the closure clasp intact, which is important as that is where the hallmarks are located.
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Lot #188
A pair of Iraqi silver Torah Finials
A pair of Iraqi silver Torah Finials From the decorative motifs, these Torah finials hail from Iraq or Morocco. Atop the spherical upper sections, there are turret-forms from which chains are suspended that originally held bells, part of which are missing. There is repousse work which depicts flowers and palm fronds on the body of the finials. Each finial has a lengthy Hebrew dedication. The chasing at the very top of the turrets are highly detailed.
Estimated price
Books, Manuscripts, Judaica, Art, Silver.