Book's, Letters, Judaica Objects, Silver.

Lot #49
Book of dorky haminiya articles for Hanukkah, "KB roads and manners, precious from pearls, traveling in the orchard on the matters of the Hasmonean priests ...", by the Admor Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Shapira Av Beit Din of Munkatch. Munkatch, Tara "
Book of dorky haminiya articles for Hanukkah, "KB roads and manners, precious from pearls, traveling in the orchard on the matters of the Hasmonean priests ...", by the Admor Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Shapira Av Beit Din of Munkatch. Munkatch, Tara " size: 22 cm
Estimated price

Lot #54
Imrei Baruch. Kolomea, 1912.
Imrei Baruch. Kolomea, 1912. The book was arranged and published by the author's son-in-law, Rabbi Mordechai Chodorov, the Admor of Tolna-Vishnitz, of New York. His lengthy introduction. Prestigious copy: stamps of Admor Chaim Hager of Shatz, son of Rabbi Moshe Hager, first Admor of Shatz, a relation to the author.
Estimated price

Lot #58
Drusha Lchinach Beis Ledas Iraim signed by Yonasan Steif
Drusha Lchinach Beis Ledas Iraim signed by Yonasan Steif Rabbi Yonasan Steif was a senior dayan of Budapest, Hungary, before the Second World War, a man whom Rabbi Moshe Feinstein referred to as the gadol hador (spiritual leader of the generation). He was a world-renowned posek and halachic authority.
Estimated price

Lot #59
Letter from Nahum Weidenfeld, Rabbi Dumbraval, to the sharp young man Yitzchak Langer
Letter from Nahum Weidenfeld, Rabbi Dumbraval, to the sharp young man Yitzchak Langer He was born to Rabbi Yaakov Weidenfeld, rabbi of the Remailiv and author of the Kochav Yaakov responsa. , Which we examined for three days in a row in Shas and Poskim. In 1896, he married the daughter of Rabbi Avraham Poker Mias [1] in Taba. Larger throughout Poland (including Lodz) but refused because he preferred to serve in a quiet city, where he would not be bothered to go to events.
Estimated price

Lot #60
Letter from president eisenhower to
Klausenburg Rabbi solomon leib halberstam dean of yeshiva shearith hapletah year 1952
Letter from president eisenhower to
Klausenburg Rabbi solomon leib halberstam dean of yeshiva shearith hapletah year 1952 Letter of president eisenhower to rabbi solomon leib halberstam dean of yeshiva shearith hapletah year 1952
Estimated price

Lot #63
Holy Land, Jaffa (Tel Aviv); A. Calmet - View of the Stadt and the Have of Joppe, now called Jaffa. - ca.1730
Holy Land, Jaffa (Tel Aviv); A. Calmet - View of the Stadt and the Have of Joppe, now called Jaffa. - ca.1730 Holy Land, Jaffa (Tel Aviv); A. Calmet - View of the Stadt and the Have of Joppe, now called Jaffa. - ca.1730
Estimated price

Lot #65
Antique Map - The Holy Land
Antique Map - The Holy Land Map showing the position of the “Garden of Eden” on the Tigris River and near the Tower of Babel. The story of Eden echoes the Mesopotamian myth of a king, as a primordial man, who is placed in a divine garden to guard the tree of life. In the Hebrew Bible, Adam and Eve are depicted as walking around the Garden of Eden naked due to their innocence. Eden and its rivers may signify the real Jerusalem, the Temple of Solomon, or the Promised Land. It may also represent the divine garden on Zion, and the mountain of God, which was also Jerusalem.
Estimated price

Lot #67
Engraving, The Fall of the Walls of Jericho, from Clemente's Biblical Dictionary, Paris 1728
Engraving, The Fall of the Walls of Jericho, from Clemente's Biblical Dictionary, Paris 1728
Engraving depicting the Jewish people bringing down the walls of Jericho upon their entrance to the Land of Israel, taken from Historique et Critique de la Bible, the biblical dictionary by Auguste Clemente. The engraving is by Lebas.
Estimated price
Book’s, Letters, Judaica Objects, Silver.