1. Sefer Chibat Yerushalayim – Geography and history of the cities of the Holy Land, holy sites, and graves of righteous figures, by Rabbi Chaim Halevi Horowitz. [Lemberg, c. 1870].
A counterfeit edition of the first edition printed in Jerusalem in 1844, including a reproduction of the frontispiece illustration of the houses of Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives (see: S. Halevi, Jerusalem’s First Books, no. 23).
Signature: Shlomo Alter Ashenmohl of Warsaw.
2. Sefer Artzot HaChaim – Laws and virtues of the Land of Israel, by Rabbi Chaim Palagi. First Edition. Jerusalem, 1872. Printed by Shmelka Yosef Shmer, his brother-in-law Yitzchak [Gashtsinni], and R. Yaakov David Slotki. S. Halevi no. 171.
In the introduction, the author writes: "This work was saved from fire, as the merit of the Land of Israel protected it from being consumed by flames." He also states that through this sefer, "it will be considered as if I dwell within the Holy Land."
This is the only work by R. Chaim Palagi printed in the Land of Israel.
3. Sefer Derech Tevunot, with commentary Derech LaNavon, by Rabbi Yehoshua Bishkovitz. First edition. Jerusalem, 1880. Printed by Yoel Moshe Salomon. Extremely Rare! S. Halevi no. 338.
4. Sefer Moda LaBina – Notes and signs on all six orders of the Mishnah, by Rabbi Avraham Alter Segal. Only Edition. Jerusalem, 1887. S. Halevi no. 589.
5. Sefer Ginzai HaMelech – Commentary on the beginning of the Torah in seventy facets according to the Pardes method, by the Abir Yaakov, Rabbi Yaakov Abuchatzeira. First Edition. Jerusalem, 1889. S. Halevi no. 645.
6. Sefer Or LeYesharim – Novellae on Tractate Pesachim and other Talmudic topics, together with Sefer Ptil Techelet, by Rabbi Hillel Moshe Meishel Gelbstein. First Edition. Jerusalem, 1891.
"Ptil Techelet" is a polemic work against Rebbi Gershon Henoch Leiner of Radzin, who identified the chilazon (a source for the blue dye for tzitzit). It includes endorsements from Jerusalem rabbis opposing the newly revived techelet.
7. Sefer Kaddish LeOlam by Rabbi Eliezer Zalman Grajewski. At the end, comments by Rabbi Shlomo Aharon Wertheimer. First Edition. Jerusalem, 1891.
8. Kabbalah: Tikkun Tefilot – A collection of various prayers, compiled from Shaarei Zion. First Edition. Jerusalem, 1904.
9. Sefer Imrei Tzion – By Rabbi Ben-Zion Chaim Schildkroit, on devotion to God. First Edition. Jerusalem, 1907.
10. Sefer Mafteach Nevi’im U’Ketuvim – An index for memorizing the books of the Prophets and Writings, by Rabbi Moshe Leib Lachowitzki of Pinsk and Jerusalem. First Edition. Jerusalem, 1909.
Stamp of the Holy Rebbi Aharon Roth, author of Shomer Emunim.
Signatures: Yehoshua Samet. Signature and stamp: Yaakov Samet.
11. Sefer Kaf HaChaim – Part I, by Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Sofer, author of Kaf HaChaim. Covers Siman 1 to Siman 88. First Edition. Jerusalem, 1910. Signatures included.
12. Sefer Chesed LeAlafim – A work elucidating the significance of the priestly blessing (Birkat Kohanim). First and Rare Edition. Jerusalem, 1912.
13. Siddur Kavanat Sefirat HaOmer – By the great Kabbalist Rabbi Shalom Mordechai Sharabi (Rashash). First Edition. Jerusalem, 1914.
14. Sefer Tza’akat Bnei Yisrael – Essays from the Talmud, Midrash, and Zohar on repentance, penitential prayers, and supplications. Published by Rabbi Aharoni ben Rabbi Shmuel Nissim. First Edition. Jerusalem, 1924.
15. Sefer Ashrei HaIsh – By Rabbi Yeshaya Asher Zelig Margolies, on "the grave sin of associating with the wicked." With endorsements from Rebbi Yitzchak Zelig Morgenstern of Kotzk and Rebbi Chaim Elazar Shapira of Munkacs.
At the beginning, the treatise "Gedolah Teshuvah", a responsum of the author with his mentor, the saintly Rabbi Shlomo Eliezer Alfandari. First Edition. Jerusalem, 1927. Breslov press.
16. Sefer Lashon Chachamim – A collection of supplications, prayers, and spiritual discourses compiled for Torah and mitzvot, written by the illustrious sage Rabbi Yosef Chaim of Baghdad, author of Ben Ish Chai.
Jerusalem, 1929. Includes the famous Pidyon HaNefesh (soul redemption prayer) by the Ben Ish Chai.
Additional Items Included:
Sefer Otzar HaTorah – A collection of nearly 2,000 Talmudic and Midrashic teachings on Torah and its scholars, arranged alphabetically. By Ephraim Landa. First Edition. Maramarossziget, 1907.
Signatures: Yaakov Samet, Yehoshua Samet.
Seder Kri’at HaNasi – Jerusalem, 1961.
Overall Great Condition, mostly Complete Copies, Sefer Kadish Leolam and Sefer Ohr Layesharim missing a few of the last pages, some in New bindings and leather bindings with signs of use, some in old bindings and rubbed, some with owners name.
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Lot #23