1. Sefer Derech Chaim – Includes the order for annulment of vows and curses, annulment of excommunication, prayers for Rosh Hashanah, Tashlich, supplications for fasting, the sounding of the shofar, Musaf for Rosh Hashanah, and more. Written by Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Ayash, son of Rabbi Yehuda Ayash.

The section on the annulment of curses was printed in two versions: a standard version and a version according to the rabbis of Jerusalem.
Includes a prayer to be recited on Hoshana Rabbah before the beating of the willow branches.

It appears that Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azulai (the Chida) was involved in the book’s publication. His name is hinted at multiple times, such as on the title page ("Dvarim Achadim") and in a prohibition against reprinting the sefer, signed "Chida."

First edition, Livorno, 1790. Printed by Eliezer Saadon.

Ancient signatures:
Avraham Yehuda Blanis. This is likely the wealthy Rabbi Yehuda Blanis, a leader of the Jewish community in Florence in the 18th century, with whom the Chida had a close relationship.

2. Sefer Pat Lechem – Laws of blessings over food and Birkat HaMazon, including ethical and Kabbalistic insights, by Rabbi Elisha Chabilio.

Only Edition, Livorno, 1794.

A comprehensive work on blessings, including texts of the blessings and extensive commentary. Contains ethical teachings and Kabbalistic matters, with approbations from Livorno rabbis.

3. Sefer Mivchar HaMa’amarim – By Rabbi Natan Bar Shmuel HaRofeh, includes the full text of "Igeret HaShabbat" by Rabbi Avraham Ibn Ezra.

First Edition, Livorno, 1830.

Two manuscripts brought to print by Rabbi Avraham Baruch Piperno of Livorno. "Mivchar HaMa’amarim" is a compilation from the Kabbalistic work "Zikaron Tov" by Rabbi Natan Bar Shmuel HaRofeh, who lived in southern France around 1300. The publication contains the first complete edition of "Igeret HaShabbat" by Rabbi Avraham Ibn Ezra, based on an ancient manuscript.

4. Sefer Limudei Hashem, second part of Tefilat Kol Peh – A collection from the works of the Chida, laws, prayers, and supplications by Rabbi Avraham Ankawa.

First Edition, Livorno, 1848.

Inscription and signature by the author.

5. Seder Arba Ta’aniyot (Order of the Four Fasts) According to Sephardic Custom – Livorno, 1863.

Stamp in Latin script of Rabbi Shem Tov Gaguine. Notes in his handwriting on the endpapers.

Rabbi Shem Tov Gaguine (1885–1953) was a prominent rabbinic authority born in Jerusalem, educated at the "Doresh Zion" school, and a disciple of Rabbi Yaakov Aboulafia. He was ordained by Rabbi Chaim Berlin and later served in Egypt as a member of the rabbinical court. In 1920, he was appointed rabbi of the Sephardic community in Manchester, England, and later became the head of the Sephardic community in London.
His famous work "Keter Shem Tov" consists of seven volumes detailing Sephardic customs and differences between the prayer rites of Eastern and Western Sephardic communities and Ashkenazim.

6. Sefer Hadarat Zekenim – Includes the Idra Rabba and Idra Zuta. Livorno, 1867.

7. Sefer Shomer Nefesh – Includes Tikkun Chatzot and the order of Tashlich. Livorno, 1870.

8. Sefer Sha’ashu’a Mitzvah – Poems on the 613 commandments following Maimonides’ order, by Rabbi Moshe Aidan. Only Edition, Livorno, 1881.

9. Sefer Hilula Rabba – Study texts for Lag BaOmer. Livorno, 1881.

Overall Good Condition, Complete copies, mostly old rubbed bindings, a couple New Bindings, some with owners name.

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Lot #15

Collection of Prayer Books Printed in Livorno, 1790–1881. Signatures and Dedications.

Start price: $360

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