1. Sefer Toldot Yitzchak – Novellae on the Talmud, Rashi, and Tosafot on various tractates of the Talmud. Written by Rabbi Yitzchak Haddad, one of the great sages of Djerba in the 17th century.

First Edition – Livorno, 1762.

The first work printed by the sages of Djerba. Includes approbations from the rabbis of Livorno, Tunis, Djerba, and emissaries from the Land of Israel.
Ancient dedication on the title page to the Midrash of the philanthropist Halfon Attia [of Aleppo].

2. Sefer Shachiyot HaChemdah – The order of the reading of the Nesi’im for the month of Nisan and prayers from the book Chemdat Yamim.

Livorno, 1791, printed by Yaakov Nunes Wees and Rafael Meldola.

Signed on the title page by Rabbi Chaim Moshe Ardit of Izmir, son of Rabbi Yosef Ardit. A well-known philanthropist, whose manuscript collection included responsa of Avkat Rochel by Maran the Beit Yosef.

3. Sefer Pat Lechem – Laws and ethics concerning blessings, by Rabbi Elisha Mercado Chaviliyo.

First Edition – Livorno, 1794, printed by Yaakov Nunes Wees and Rafael Meldola.

Antique inscription on the title page: "Mine, I am the humble servant R’ Shlomo HaCohen, may he be blessed."

The author, Rabbi Elisha Mercado, son of Rabbi Shlomo Chaviliyo (some say he passed away in 1800), was a student of the great Rabbi David Pardo in Sarajevo. He lived in poverty but remained devoted to Torah. He moved to Livorno to print his works, including Avodat HaTamid on prayer (1793), Hamon Chogeg on the Passover Haggadah (1794), and Pat Lechem (1794). He also published his teacher’s work Shefa’at Revivim, adding an introduction and poems of sorrow, gratitude, and supplication for the troubles of his community.

4. Sefer To’afot Re’em – Explanations on the works of the great Rabbi Eliyahu Mizrachi (the Re’em), by Rabbi Moshe ben Shemaya Alkaim.

First Edition – Livorno, 1825, printed by Yaakov Tuviyana.

A Rare Sefer!

5. Sefer Chayei Avraham – Explanations of the laws in Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim and Yoreh De’ah), by Rabbi Avraham ben Rabbi Rafael Kalphon.

First Edition – Livorno, 1826.

With approbations from Rabbi Shmuel Shoshana and Rabbi Yosef Even Samin, Av Beit Din of Tiberias.

6. Sefer Hilula Raba – Praises of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, teachings, and piyutim (liturgical poems) for his Hilula (celebration of his passing).

Includes Sefer Yeshuot Yaakov – Novellae on dozens of Talmudic passages, by Rabbi Yaakov Anahori.

First Edition – Livorno, 1847. Yeshuot Yaakov has its own separate title page.

7. Sefer Sha’ashu’a Mitzvah – Poems on the 613 commandments according to the order of Maimonides, by Rabbi Moshe Idan.

Only Edition – Livorno, 1881.

The author, Rabbi Moshe Idan of Tunis (1842–1894), was a disciple of the Kabbalist Rabbi Sasson Peressiado, author of Shemen Sasson. He served as a dayan while supporting himself through weaving and later by teaching children. He also authored Zechut Moshe, Torat Moshe, and more.

Overall Good Condition, Complete copies, New leather bindings with owners name.

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Lot #13

Collection of 7 Antique Seforim Printed in Livorno, 1762–1881. Leather Bindings.

Start price: $500

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