1. Kabbalah: Sefer Et HaZamir – A collection of mystical prayers and liturgical poems by the kabbalist Rabbi Binyamin HaKohen (HaRavach; teacher of the Ramchal).

Mantua, 1753. Printed by Raphael Hayim of Italy.

Poems and prayers for weekdays and various festivals, composed based on mystical intentions. Introduced and concluded with words from the author’s son-in-law, Rabbi Yeshayahu Bassan. Recited regularly in Italian communities by members of "Ashmoret HaBoker."

Rabbi Binyamin HaKohen Vitali (1711–1730) was a senior rabbi of Italy, a great scholar, and kabbalist. His works significantly influenced the Ramchal.

Ownership signature and stamp of Rabbi Amram Schwartz of Nyíregyháza,   rabbi in the Rothschild camp, Vienna.

2. Sefer Machberet HaKodesh (Orayn Telitai) – Insights and explanations on Shulchan Aruch, Even HaEzer by Rabbi Aryeh Leibush Halevi Horowitz of Brody.

Only Edition. Lemberg, 1852.

Stamp of Rabbi Binyamin Fuchs, Chief Rabbi of Grosswardein.

Rabbi Binyamin Fuchs (1877–1936), a student of the Shevet Sofer, was known for his erudition and eloquent sermons.

3. Sefer Kedushat Levi – Commentary on Pirkei Avot

[Lviv, 1863]. Second edition.

Stamp of the Holy Rebbi Avraham Betzalel Natan Neta Biederman ("Reb Alter") of Sosnowiec.

Rebbi Avraham Biederman (1862–1933), a son of Rebbi Elazar Menachem Mendel of Lelov, was a revered Hasidic leader in Sosnowiec.

4. Sefer Melachet Charash – "The Art of Divorce and Betrothal, " by Rabbi Yechezkel Hafez, Chief Rabbi of Varanova

First Edition. Vilnius, 1875.

Two title pages.
Wrapper title page with 
a personal dedication by Rabbi Yechezkel Hafez to his friend, the scholar Mordechai Lovensky.

5. Sefer Iggeret HaMussar by Rabbi Shlomo Al-Ami

Vilnius, 1878.

Stamp of Rebbi Pinchas Rabinowitz of Kantikovze.

Rebbi Pinchas Rabinowitz (1861–1926), a prominent Hasidic leader, served as Rebbe in Kantikovze.

6. Sefer Yatziv Pitgam by Rabbi Yaakov Emden, with the pamphlet Megillat Sefer

Second edition. Kalameya, 1886. A eulogy for his father, the "Chacham Tzvi, " with genealogical records.

7. Sefer Raza D’Chochmata – Commentary on Song of Songs and Eshet Chayil, by Rabbi Tzvi Aryeh Gottlieb

Only Edition. Lviv, 1890.

Rare Kabbalah Sefer!

Signed & stamped by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Kahana of Bodrog-Kerestir and Humna.

Signature of R. Mordechai Fishman of Kerestir.

8. Sefer Ketavei Kodesh – Innovations and Pilpulim in the Talmud and Shulchan Aruch by Rebbi Yaakov Yitzchak of Pshischa ("The Holy Jew")

First edition. Warsaw, 1926. With important approbations.

Stamp of the publisher Rebbi Moshe Yehuda Leib Tab, son of Rebbi Yirmiyahu Tzvi of Kuzmir.

9. Sefer Imrei Tzvi on the Torah, with teachings of his ancestors and his father, Rebbi Yirmiyahu Tzvi of Kozmir-Shinna

First Edition. Warsaw, 1926.

10. Machzor Imrei Noam for Shavuot. Warsaw.

Stamp of Rabbi Yehuda Libush Eichenstein, the young rabbi of Ladomir.

Rabbi Yehuda Libush, a descendant of Rebbi Elimelech of Lizhensk, tragically perished along with his ten children during the Holocaust in 1941 Hy”d.

Overall Good Condition, Complete copies, some with owners name.

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Lot #12

A large and diverse collection of antique seforim with signatures and stamps from prominent Rabbis & Rebbes. 1753–1926.

Start price: $500

Sales Tax: On the lot's price and buyer's premium

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