1. Sefer She’elot U’Teshuvot. Authored by the renowned and illustrious Rabbi Moshe Isserles (Rema) of Krakow.
Hanau, 1711. [With approbations dated 1711 and a colophon stating its completion on the 11th of Nissan, 1711]. The title page notes, "The beginning of its work was on the 7th of Menachem Av, 1710." Printed by Heinrich Jakob von Bassehausen.
This is the second edition, following its first appearance in Krakow in 1710. This edition includes Section 124, which discusses the permissibility of leniency regarding drinking yayin nesekh (wine touched by non-Jews) in certain regions. This section was omitted in the Amsterdam edition of 1711.
In Nishmat Adam (on Chayei Adam, Hilchot Shabbat, Klal 69, Siman 19, Subsection 3), it is noted that the responsum regarding wine for a sick person not in danger (Section 124) was authored by a student and mistakenly placed among the writings of the Rema. The Amsterdam edition of 1711, overseen by Rabbi Aryeh Leib of Amsterdam (son-in-law of the Chacham Tzvi), omitted this responsum. The omission may have been at the directive of the approving sages, including the Chacham Tzvi, Rabbi Moshe Chagiz, and Rabbi Naphtali Katz.
2. Sefer Yesod Teshuvah, also known as Yoreh Chata’im, a guide to repentance inspired by the works of Chasidei Ashkenaz. It draws upon the repentance principles of Rabbi Eleazar of Worms (Rokeach) and other sources. The sefer concludes with the Tzava’ah of Rabbi Yehuda HaChasid.
Venice, 1718. Printed by Bragadin.
A treatise on the foundations of the mitzvah of repentance and guidelines for those seeking to repent, divided into 70 sections. Authored by Rabbi Yitzchak ben Moshe Alis, a 15th-century scholar.
3. Sefer Tapuchei Zahav. By Rabbi Yechiel Me’ili, a summary of Reishit Chochmah, with annotations by Rabbi David Lida.
Mantua, 1740. Printed by Raphael Chaim of Italy.
4. Kabbalah: Sefer Et HaZamir (The Time of Song), a collection of mystical prayers and liturgical poems by Rabbi Binyamin HaCohen (Ravach), the teacher of the Ramchal.
Mantua, 1753. Printed by Raphael Chaim of Italy.
Contains prayers and poems for weekdays and festivals based on Kabbalistic intentions. It was compiled by the esteemed Kabbalist Rabbi Binyamin HaCohen and edited by his son-in-law, Rabbi Yeshayahu Bassan. These poems were regularly recited in the Italian community of Modena.
Rabbi Binyamin HaCohen Vitali (1711–1730), a prominent Italian rabbi and Kabbalist, was one of the leading figures of his generation. Together with his son-in-law, Rabbi Yeshayahu Bassan, they mentored the Ramchal.
5. Sefer Melechet Machshevet (The Craft of Thought). A comprehensive work on arithmetic and geometry compiled from various sources, including works by Rabbi Moshe Eisenstadt, Rabbi Eliyahu Mizrachi, and Rabbi Yosef Candia (Yashar of Candia).
First edition. Zolkiew, 1758.
A rare textbook covering arithmetic, geometry, percentages, currency conversion, and more, with exercises and a multiplication table.
Extremely Rare! Has never appeared at public auction.
Rabbi Eliyahu ben Moshe Gershon served as the rabbi of Pintshov and authored various works, including Ma’aneh Eliyahu (on Talmudic tractates) and Melechet Machshevet.
6. Sivuv Rabbi Petachiah (The Travels of Rabbi Petachiah), Rabbi Petachiah of Regensburg, brother of Rabbi Yitzchak HaLavan, a Tosafist. This work details his travels to the Land of Israel and Babylon.
Altona, 1770. A rare edition, not listed in the Vinograd-Rosenfeld CD.
7. Sefer Reishit Chochmah. By Rabbi Eliyahu de Vidas, with the commentary Da’at Chochmah by Rabbi Menachem ben Shlomo HaLevi.
Amsterdam, 1776. Printed by Yosef ben Shlomo Proops.
8. Sefer Netivot Olam. The Baraita of the 32 Rules of Rabbi Eliezer, son of Rabbi Yose HaGelili, with explanations by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Katzenellenbogen.
First edition. Vilna, 1822. Two title pages.
9. Sefer Ohel Yaakov, Volume I. Sermons on the Torah portions of Genesis by Rabbi Yaakov Krantz, the Maggid of Dubno.
First edition. Josefow, 1830.
10. Sefer Kitzur Chovot HaLevavot. Sudylkiv, 1837.
An extremely rare edition, never before appeared in a public auction.
Overall Good-Very Good Condition, Complete Copies, Most in Elegant Leather Bindings with owners name.
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