An important collection of five antique seforim in mostly good condition.

1. Sefer Mikra’ei Kodesh – Part I on the mitzvahs of reverence and love, and their roots; Part II on the secrets and reasons for the mitzvahs, by the gaon and Kabbalist Rabbi Yosef Samegah, author of Porat Yosef.

First Edition. Venice, 1586.  Juan di Gara Press. Printed in the author’s lifetime, with the author’s preface.

The author was one of the gedolim of his generation. This sefer was very well-received and was republished in later editions. His sefer Porat Yosef was also extremely well-received, and it is mentioned approximately four times (!) by the Maharsh"a. Even in later generations, this sefer was greatly admired. The Minchat Elazar of Munkacs refers to the author as ‘one of the Rishonim’ (despite the fact that he was actually one of the Acharonim!) – the Minchat Elazar states as follows (Part III siman 31): In Sefer Mikra’ei Kodesh by the gaon Rabbi Yosef b"r Binyamin Sasigah z"l, from among the Rishonim, (printed in Venice, 1586, and this sefer was brought by the Maharsh"a, and Sha’ar HaMelech on the Ramba"m) … and who is the one with fear of Heaven, who observes serious matters like this regarding a person sitting in the sukkah on Shemini Atzeret, coming from the gaon and gadol from among the Rishonim in sanctity and purity, and his heart did not shudder" – the Minchat Elazar, regarding Rabbi Yosef Samegah.

At the end of his introduction, the author promises that whoever studies his sefer, especially on Yamim Tovim, will be considered as if he is occupied with Torah the entire year! He states: "This is the reading and the study appropriate for all Jews to study on Shabbat, and especially on Yom Tov … It will be considered as if he was occupied with the Torah the entire year, because the dedicated are influenced from the Yom Tov all the days of the year."

HaMadpis Juan di Gara U’Reshimat Sifrei Beit Defuso no. 82.

Antique signature: Yaakov son of Nathan Ulma.

6, 116 leaves, with the rare leaf at the end with the table of errata. 20.2 cm. 


Overall Great Condition, some marginal stains and water stains, marginal restorations to some pages, original parchment binding stained and slightly damaged.

2.  Sefer Toldot Yitzchak. Riva de Trento, 1558. 

Comprised of homilies and elucidations on Chamishah Chumshei Torah by Rabbi Yitzchak Caro, uncle and teacher of Maran the Beit Yosef.

The first sefer printed in Riva de Trento, by the uncle and teacher of Maran the Beit Yosef.

[2], 115 Leaves. 20.2 cm.


Overall Great Condition, marginal ink and water stains, title page has restorations with later filled in text, New binding and brown leather spine.

3. Responsa Toras Emes by Rabbi Aharon Sason.

Fist Edition. Venice, 1626.

The sefer is adorned with approbations by Venice rabbis: R’ Yosef Samiga, R’ Ya’akov L’Veit HaLevi, R’ Shemaya b"r Moshe di Medinah, R’ Eliezer b"r Menachem, R’ Yeudah Aryeh of Modena, R’ Simchah Luzzato, R’ Nechemiah b"r Leib Saroal, and R’ Shmuel Massoud. The sefer includes responsa from chachmei hador: R’ Shlomo L’Veit HaLevi, R’ Shlomo HaKohen, R’ Tzvi b"r Simchah, R’ Meir ibn Shengi, R’ Yom Tov Tzahlon, R’ Shmuel di Medinah, R’ David ibn Nachmias and R’ Avraham ibn Nachmias. The sefer opens with forewords by the author’s son and grandson. The content opens with a poem: "Chasufei zvul msaveh agan rakiyah" (which appears in Otzar HaShirah V’HaPiyut no. 256).

221, 207, [12] Leaves. 27 cm.

Overall Fair Condition, water stains, marginal worming affecting text, marginal restoration, later brown leather and white cloth binding slightly rubbed.

4. Sefer Beit Lechem Yehuda,   “Golden keys to find all ma’amarim of chazal from the Shas mentioned in the sefer Ein Yisrael (Ein Yaakov) based on entries and headers in the wonderful seder using the Sefer Zikaron Torat Moshe”, by the gaon kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Aryeh of Modena.

First edition. Venice 1625.

The Sefer was written for the benefit of orators, so that they’d be able to easily find the sources they required. The title page features an architectural frame.

26 Leaves. 29 cm.

Overall Great Condition, water stains, page 2 has tape repair affecting text, New brown leather binding.

5. She’elot U’Teshuvot HaNikra Divrei Rivot by Rabbi Shmuel Aderabi.

 Venice, 1586. Second, precise edition which was printed just five years after the first edition.

191, 191-193 Leaves. Mispaginated, possibly a lacking copy. 28 Cm.

Haberman-Yudelov, HaMadpis Giovanni di Gara 88. 

Antique inscriptions. Signature on page 2 of the Gaon Rabbi David Falkon, author of Sefer Bnei David (Constantinople, 1738).

Overall Good Condition, very few stains, professional marginal restorations sometimes affecting text, New red leather binding.

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Lot #2

Collection of 5 Antique Seforim, Italian Imprints, 1558-1626. Signature of the Gaon Rabbi David Falkon.

Start price: $1,000

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