ספר קול יהודה : … משפטים והוכחות נגד המחבר ספר נתיבות עולם [מאת מאק-קול, לונדון 1839] הכותב פלסתר על דת היהודים הרבנים … נגד חכמינו בעלי התלמוד… מאת יהודה (דוב) בן ישראל (ממשפחת יאמפליר מבראדי)…

וויען, דפוס יאזעף האלצווארטה, תרכ"ד. דפוס יחיד.

120 עמ’. עמ’ [107-120], עם שער מיוחד: מאמר צדקת התם. והוא ספור הקורות ליעקב אבינו.

נדיר ביותר! הופיע רק פעם אחת במכירה פומבית.

20.3 ס"מ.

English theologian and missionary Alexander McCaul’s Old Paths first appeared as a series of pamphlets published weekly between 1836 and 1837.Each addressed a different principle or practice of what was then considered contemporary Judaism based on the Talmud and rabbinical literature, contrasting it with Mosaic Judaism – the Old Testament’s laws, customs and practices.

In 1837, the complete series was gathered into one volume. In its introduction, McCaul – a Hebraist, devout Christian, and Protestant cleric -clearly states his goal of converting Jews to Christianity.

To that end, he notes his intention to forgo the approach shared by many of his fellow Hebraists who often took an accusatory tone towards Jews. He also espouses respect for Judaism and Jews, referring to his profound knowledge of rabbinical literature. However, that respect did not embrace their right to practice their religion unmolested: in Old Paths, McCaul deploys his vast knowledge of Jewish religious thought and practice in order to undermine it.

He writes that contemporary Judaism’s practices are erroneous, basing his critique on the words of Moses and the Prophets. While McCaul then expresses difficulty in knowing Judaism’s true character, he still posits and explains his theory of it. He subsequently advocates the removal of Judaism’s “most pernicious elements” – Talmudic and rabbinic-based tenets and practices – as necessary for a Jewish return to Mosaic Judaism that will ultimately lead them to the “true” Mosaic faith: evangelical Christianity.

The current work is a answer to his.

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