Warm approbation given to R, Mendel son of Rabbi Yechiel Fishel Lewin the only son of the Holy Rebbe Chanoch Henoch of Alexander who was planning to print his manuscripts.

Fully in his Holy hand & signature. Letters from him are Very Rare!

Otwock, [ca. 1910].

20.6 Cm. Tears & tapings.

The Holy Rebbi Dovid Borensten was born in 1896 in Nasielsk. His father was the "Shem MiShmuel, " son of the "Avnei Nezer" of Sochatchov, and great-grandson of Rebbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk. He was the third Admor of the Sochatchov chassidut and a leader of Polish Jewry before the Holocaust. He was appointed rabbi of Wyszogród, where he led a large yeshiva of young men. After the First World War, he moved to the rabbinate in Tomaszów. When his Holy father died in 1910 he settled in Otwock for two years & was crowned as his successor. He was one of the most prominent Admors in Poland.

In 1939, the Germans invaded Lodz and soon reached his house, beat him and cut off his beard. His chassidim smuggled him into the Warsaw ghetto where he worked as a laborer. Many came to consult with him and meetings were held in his house, and he was soon a leader of the community in the ghetto. After a large Aktion, he was transferred to a secret apartment where he died from heart failure in Kislev, 1942. His was the last funeral to take place in the Genesha Street Cemetery. His entire family was killed in the Holocaust. His many works and most of his writings on sugyot of the Talmud and halacha and aggada were lost during the Holocaust. The few that survived were printed by his brother, Rabbi Chanoch Henoch in Chasdei Dovid and a Passover Haggada Shem Mi\'Shmuel.

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Lot #193

Approbation from the Holy Admor the Chasdei Dovid of Sochatshov to print the manuscripts of the Holy Rebbe Chanoch Henoch of Aleksander .

Start price: $260

Sales Tax: On the lot's price and buyer's premium

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