1. Letter by Rabbi Shimon Glatstein Dayan of Jászó. To his Brother-in-law R. Abraham Hacohen.

Jászó (today Jasov near Košice), 1875. Three holes affecting a few words.

Please see Hebrew description for biographical details.

2. Rabbi Moshe Katzenelnbogen Dayan in Międzyrzecz.

Addressed to Rabbi  Yaakov Shaul Elyashar the Yisa Berakhah in Jerusalem, about his Sefer Ohel Moshe.

Postcard, Międzyrzecz, 1894. Good condition.

3. Letter by Rabbi Shlomo Fisher Rabbi of Karlsburg.

Karlsburg, 1910. Good condition.

Rabbi Shlomo Fisher (1852-1892) was a disciple of Rabbi Abraham Samuel Benjamin Schreiber of Pressburg the Ketav Sofer and of Rabbi Isaac Dov (Seligmann Baer) Bamberger Rabbi of Würzberger. He was the first orthodox Rabbi in Munich. When Rabbi Fisher assumed the rabbinate of Karlsburg in 1891, it was a Status Quo community. Eventually, he prevailed upon the community to become Orthodox. In 1928 he resigned his post & settled in Klausenburg.

4. Long letter by Rabbi Yisroel Dov Hacohen Persht-Pershtman of Zamość. To Rabbi Abraham Aaron Yudelewitz in NY.

Long letter as charmain of the ‘Vaad Machzikei Lomdei Torah’ in Zamość.

Four Sides. 33 Cm. Zamość, 1927. Also signed by R. Aaron Brandwein as Deputy Director of the above society.

Marginal tears.

5. Letter by Rabbi Aba Gomer Rabbi of Revel & Asti (Estonia). He perished in the Holocaust Hy”d.

He writes also in the name of his Father-in-law Rabbi Menachem Mendel Zak the Cheif Rabbi of Riga & Latvia. He is seeking information about a Shidduch.

Tallinn, 1931. Good condition, filing holes.

6. Rabbi Tovye Yehuda Guttentag Rabbi of Sochocin.

Postcard. Sochocin, 1934. Discusses his Seforim Tal Leyisrael & Masseh Tovye.

Good condition, sent to Rabbi Yosef Broide Rabbi of Miava.

7. Rabbi Baruch Faivelzon Rabbi of Šaukėnai.

Postcard, Šaukėnai, 1939. Good condition.

8. Letter by Rabbi Yitzchak Shlomo Rubinstein Rabbi of Pionki & Rabbi Shlomo David Kahana of Warsaw.

Three Sides. Pionki & Warsaw, 1939. Good condition.

9. Letter by Rabbi Yehuda Leib Farfel Maggid & Rosh Yeshiva in Oszmiana.

Oszmiana, 1939. Good condition.

10. Rabbi Yechiel Algazi of Rozan (Poland) , Son of Rabbi Dov Berish Algazi Rabbi of Andzrejowo.

Postcard, Rozan, 1939. Good condition.

11. Rabbi Elimelech Rothfeld Rabbi of Lipsko (Poland). Son of Abraham David who was also Rabbi there.

Postcard, Lipsko, 1939. Good condition.

12. Rabbi Yisrael Halevi Wahrman Rabbi of Barysz.

Postcard, Barysz, 1939. Good condition.

13. Rabbi Moshe Spiro-Horowitz Rabbi of Zawichost.

Postcard, Zawichost, 1939. Good condition.

14. Rabbi Yeshoua Lewin Rabbi of Neustadt (Nowogrod).

Postcard, Neustadt. 1939. Good condition.

15. Rabbi Eliyahu Elias of Sanok.

Postcard, Sanok, 1939. Good condition.

16. The Gabai R. Moshe Cohen on behalf of Rebbe Yisrael David Halevi Epstein of Ozerov – Ostrowiec,  

Postcard, Ostrowiec, 1939. Good condition.

Rebbe Yisrael David Halevi Epstein was born in 1904 to Rebbe Avraham Shlomo of Ożarów (1864-1917), and the younger brother of Rebbe Moshe Yechiel, author of "Eish Das" (1890-1931). During his youth, he edited the "Shaarei Chochma" Torah anthology (Ożarów, 1924). After his marriage with the daughter of the rabbi of Stoczek he lived in Ostrowiec, where he served as Rebbe. He perished during the Holocaust Hy”d.

17. Rabbi Dov Spitzer Rabbi of Zemplénagárd & Rosh Yeshiva in Dej.

Postcard, Dej, 1947. Filing holes.

18. Letter by Rabbi Yitzchak Zvi Sofer Rabbi of Temeshvar-Fabrik, & his son Rabbi Eliezer Mordechai  Ephraim Fishel Sofer (Son-in-law of the Vayaged Yaakov of Papa) the young Rabbi of Temeshvar-Fabrik.

Temeshvar-Fabrik. 1949. Good condition.

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Lot #185

Large & Important collection of letters by European Rabbis 1875- 1949.

Start price: $700

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