1-2. Oeuvre dite Malbush Arumim.

Two printings of the same three-page appeal for the Consistoire de Paris Welfare Committee's used clothing operation. The text announces the establishment by the Consistoire of a clothing depository on the rue des Rosiers, where unneeded garments can be dropped off and ;where they will be distributed through the efforts and under the supervision of the committee, to the elderly, to children, to workers–in short to the worthiest and most deserving. The folio version is anonymous but dated (1856); the octavo version is undated but signed in print by its author–Albert Cohn, Baron James de Rothschild&'s scholarly almoner and the president of the Consistoire's Welfare Committee.

3. Caisse de Secours.

Constitution of the Consistoire central's rescue fund for distressed rabbis, cantors, Jewish educators, and their widows and children. Signed in print by Consistoire central leaders M. Cerfberr, S. Munk, A. de Rothschild, and others. 

4.  Appeal for help repaying the new 500,000 franc loan obtained by the Consistoire de Paris for the building of synagogues, on top of the 1,500,000 loan previously obtained for the purpose.

5. Souscription en faveur de l'hospice des enfants. Baron James de Rothschild had made a gift of 30,000 francs for a capital project to turn the Paris Jewish community's nursing home for children on the rue Picpus into a state-of-the-art Jewish children's hospital. The new institution, however, was going cost 10,000 francs a year more than the old one to run–hence this appeal to the public.

Each text on a separate bifolium, unbound.

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פריט #169

(FRANCE). Consistoire de Paris. Five appeals from the Second Empire period. 1856-1864.

מחיר פתיחה: $300

מע"מ: על מלוא המחיר והעמלה

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