19 Kislev the 40th anniversary of the Rebbes Leadership.

A special edition Tanya was printed at the request of the Rebbe and was distributed by the Rebbe after the Farbrengen.

This edition was printed in a large format in honor of the 192nd year of Chag HaGeulah of the Baal HaTanya (1798-1990), and on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the appointment of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (1951-1991).

The Rebbe distributed this Tanya by hand to every person that was at the Farbrengen and many people came from surrounding neighborhoods to receive this Tanya.

Inscribed by the recipient on the inner cover

”Dear Zalman!

This Safer is present from Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson Lubavitcher Rebbe Shilta 3.15.91.

Learn do lot of Mitzvots and be a good jew.

I love you my Zalman

Your father Nachum”.

Likutei Amarim Tanya, by R. Shneur Zalman of Liadi – the Baal HaTanya. Brooklyn NY: Kehot Publication Society, 1991.

This edition was distributed by the Rebbe on Thursday Yat (19th) Kislev 1991, together with a dollar for charity – the present lot only includes the Tanya, without the dollar.

The Rebbe distributed the Tanya to the general public seven times over the period of his leadership: During sefirah of 1972, 16 Sivan 1975, 25 Tishrei 1979, 11 Nissan 1982, 11 Nissan 1984, 10 Shevat 1900 and 19 Kislev 1990. This distinguished segulah edition was the seventh and final distribution of Sifrei HaTanya directly from the seventh and final leader among Admo"rei Lubavitch!!

The distribution of the Tanya event that year was described as follows: "It was the Admo"r’s final distribution of the Sefer HaTanya. It took place on 19 Kislev, 1990. Early in the afternoon, word spread that the Rebbe would distribute Tanyas to everyone. At 17:45, when he returned from praying at the Rayya"tz’s ohel for minchah and ma’ariv, a large crowd had already gathered. Around 18:15, the distribution started with Rebbe at the distribution shtender. The Rebbe distributed the Tanyas together with a dollar for tzedakah. To those who requested an additional Tanya for someone else, the Rebbe refused, stating that the distribution was only for those present." (Torat Menachem, 1991, Part II, pp 20-21)

An extensive bibliographic article was printed at the end of the sefer, about all the prints of the Tanya and its translation, and more. There, the last edition listed is this one, "Forty years of leadership …" – Print 3415 of Sefer HaTanya..

[3] 237 Leaves. 22.8 Cm.

Overall Very Good condition, minor signs of use on covers, original hard blue paperback binding

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Lot #160

Likutei Amarim Tanya – Brooklyn 1990 – Edition Distributed by the Rebbe on Yud Tes (19th) Kislev in Honor of the 192nd Year of Chag HaGeulah, and in Honor of the Fortieth Anniversary of His Appointment as Rebbe. Inscribed by the receipient.

Start price: $400

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