Divrei Aggadah and Halacha and Divrei Torah on the Sabbath and the holy days, by Rabbi Ya’akov Chizkiya Greenwald. Edited by his son, Rabbi Yosef Greenwald. The sefer also contains Chidushei Mishnayot of the Yoma and Sukkah tractates from a manuscript by the author of "Arugot Ha’Bosem", Rabbi Moshe Greenwald, the author’s father. It also contains the booklet "Tzedah La’Derech" – the last will and testament of the author, with Likutei Mussar which were found in his writings. The chapters of the sefer are full of sayings of the Ba’al Shem Tov and other leading Hassidic rabbis.

At the beginning of the sefer, a long introduction (16 pp.) by the author’s son describing his father’s history and praising him. Then there is a "a copy of a letter written by our rabbi to the battlefield in 1915" with words of comfort and support and "a copy of a letter written by our rabbi in 1941 to his son-in-law and disciples who were in army camps in those terrible days".

Extremely rare! Almost all the copies of the sefer were destroyed in the Holocaust. This first edition isn’t held by the JNUL nor by other libraries in Israel and is not listed by the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book. Has only appeared once at public auction.

In the introduction to the second edition, the author’s son wrote: "before the revolution I published the sefer … yet close to its publishing there was a revolution by evil persons and I did not distribute the seforim, but for a few, and the rest have been lost".

A rare copy of the sefer, excellently preserved.

In 1947, a facsimile edition of the sefer was published in Antwerp with changes. In this edition, several passages that the author’s son had written about the author’s family and descendants were replaced by a short passage in memory of the family members who died in the Holocaust.

[10] 14, 160 pp. 23.1 Cm.

Overall Excellent condition, new later binding

The Holy Gaon Rabbi Ya\'akov Chizkiya Greenwald (1882-1941) Av Beit Din of Pupa, the son and disciple of Rabbi Moshe Greenwald, author of "Arugot Ha\'Bosem" and Av Beit Din of Hust. In 1900, he married the daughter of his uncle Rabbi Israel Menachem Braun, who was Av Beit Din of Brezowitz.

He was close to  Rebbi Yechezkel Sheraga Halberstam, Rabbi Yissachar Dov Roke\'ach of Belz and his son Rabbi Aharon Rekeach of Belz.

In 1906, he became the rabbi of Tzehlim, where he founded an important yeshiva. In 1929, he became the rabbi of the Haredi community of Pppa. Hundreds of students studied at his yeshiva there and it became one of the most important yeshivas in Hungary.

After his death, his son, Rabbi Yosef Greenwald, replaced him. After the Holocaust, he migrated to the USA, where he reestablished his community, the "Kehilat Yaakov Pupa" community and became one of the leading rabbis and rebbes in the USA.

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Lot #144

Very Rare! Va'Yaged Ya'akov, - Satmar, 1944 - First Edition which Most of Its Copies were Destroyed in the Holocaust.

Start price: $200

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