1. Sefer Kohelet Moshe (Kozhnitz).

Lublin, 1904. First Edition

With Dozens of distinguished approbations from the greatest Rebbes. Included in the approbations are incredible descriptions of this holy sefer’s importance and greatness. Rebbe Meir Yechiel of Ostrovtza writes in his approbation: "Vegam segulah nora’ah hu lehiyos habrachah shorah b’soch beisam – It is an awesome segulah for meriting blessing in one’s home."

Rebbe Yerachmiel Yisrael of Aleksander writes, " Vezchus hamechaber ya’amod lahem lehivasha mikol tzara vetzukah – And the merit of the author will stand in their good stead that they merit salvation from any type of trouble or distress, "

Rebbe Avraham of Lublin writes, "Vezchus hamechaber ya’amod lahem lehivasha mikol tzara vetzukah – And the merit of the author will stand in their good stead that they merit salvation from any type of trouble or distress."

Rebbe  Menachem of Amshenov writes, "Yihiye shoreh etzlechem brachah vechl tuv – blessing and everything good will rest upon you."

Rebbe Yisrael of Grodzisk writes, "Vegam mi sheyikabel es hasefer hakadosh hana"l lesoch beiso bevadai yihiyeh lo kol tuv – Whoever receives this holy book [and brings it] into his home, surely he will have everything good."

Pages 121-134 with a very long list of subscribers from dozens of cities & towns. Including many great Rebbes  & Rabbis from all over Poland & Galicia. 

[2 title pages], 134 Leaves. 21. 5 Cm.

Overall in Good condition, stains, light marginal tears, light marginal worming to last pages.

Bound with: 

2. Hagaddah with Kehilat Moshe commentary by Rebbe Moshe Elyakim Beri’a of Kozhnitz.

Lublin, 1904. First edition.

Yaari 1664; Yudlov 2304.

Overall in fair condition, stains, tears, some worming. New binding.

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Lot #141

Wonderful Segulah Sefer: Kohelet Moshe (Kozhnitz) First Edition, Lublin 1904 – Hagaddah Kehilat Moshe, First Edition, Lublin 1904.

Start price: $260

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