"Order of prayers according to the prayer-rite of the Arizal", two parts in one volume, for Shabbat and weekdays, by HaAdmor HaZaken Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi – the Baal HaTanya.

Zhitomir: Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Shapira, 1863-1864. Some letters on the title pages are printed in red ink.

The text of the Siddur, the laws and the two Chassidic essays were composed and compiled by the Holy Baal HaTanya, and were even published in his lifetime in several editions (the essays are: HaKol Kol Yaakov and Heara LeTikun Chatzot). The other Chassidic essays (commentaries to the prayers) were delivered by the Baal HaTanya and recorded by his son the Mitteler Rebbe, Rebbe Dov Ber Shneuri of Lubavitch (first published in Kopust, 1816 – see item 116). These siddurim are known amongst Chabad chassidim as Siddur im Dach (Divrei Elokim Chaim – words of the Living G-d). This edition includes the additional Dach essays, first printed in the Berditchev (Berdychiv) 1818 edition, and not appearing in the first, Kopust (Kopys) 1816 edition.

In this edition, the Holy Names in Pesukei DeZimra and in other places were vocalized according to Kabbalah. Rabbi Avraham David Lawat testified that the Tzemach Tzedek, Rebbe of Lubavitch, criticized the printers for modifying what the Baal HaTanya established, thereby allowing the siddur to be used even by those who have no knowledge in Kabbalah, including youths (Shaar HaKoller 6, section 9).

Part one (Weekday prayers)  [2], 154 leaves.

Part two (Shabbat & holiday prayers)  62, 94 leaves.

22 Cm.

Overall Good condition, some stains/ ink stains, title pages and some pages have marginal repairs, few pages have marginal tears, page 80 corner margin missing, later new grey leather binding

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Lot #127

Siddur HaRav (Baal HaTanya) – Zhitomir, 1863-1864. Full set.

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